Tom, of course the question "Why isn't Obama white?" is perfectly valid. Most of us supposedly enlightened types would like to think that we all agree that, especially in a world where intermingling of a genetic nature among traditional genetic groups has made the notion of "race" fairly undefinable, it is of course not yet irrelevant. There are presumably genetic reasons why the children of mixed-race marriages between "Caucasians" and descendents of sub-Saharan Africans tend on average to preserve more of the physical traits of their African heritage, which contributes to our ease of identifying a Barack Obama as "black", without qualification. But our own sordid history as a nation of course also contributes to how we tend to identify people. (And how interesting it is that all the false reports of Obama being a closet Muslim -- and the assumptions that that would make him a terrorist by association -- seem to have trumped at least public debates about his being black. I suppose it's just that the rumor-mongers know that they have to be more careful about racial epithets than non-American-standard religious ones.)

Another couple of interesting data points (recognizing that I'm getting wildly off-topic here): My wife, who somewhat to her chagrin is descended from a number of prominent slave-owning southerners, is reading the book The Hemingses of Monticello, which sounds fascinating. Jefferson's relationship with Sally Hemings was of course no aberration. I think one of the basic tenets of the book (which I haven't read yet) is that basically everybody on the plantation was related, and they all knew it. If I remember correctly, Sally Hemings was a blood relative of Jefferson's wife. So we have a long tradition of carefully identifying the children of (typically) the rape of a black (slave) woman by a white man as black, so that they could clearly be identified as slaves.

(Interesting point of comparison -- continuing wildly off-topic): White Australians discovered that the distinctive physical traits of aborigines tend to disappear much more quickly on average when they intermarry or otherwise mix genes with whites, maybe because the original gene pool of those aboriginal settlers must have been pretty small. So the Australian government took exactly the opposite tack of our own nation, and went through a period --shockingly recent -- of kidnapping young aboriginal children from their families, raising them in their equivalent of Indian schools, and encouraging poor whites to marry them, in effect to wash away the aboriginal blood. If you haven't seen it, rent the wonderful Australian film Rabbit-Proof Fence on this subject.

While I'm in book review mode, I am reading Paul Krugman's excellent book The Conscience of a Liberal, which I highly recommend to anyone trying to figure out how to save "liberal" from being a dirty word.



On Oct 31, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Tom Carter wrote:

All -

I'm not singling out John for this comment, but just using it as a trigger . . .

On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:45 AM, John Sadd wrote:

it is totally effing amazing that a black man

which raises the question, "Why isn't Obama white?"

If that question sounds silly to you, think a little about how deeply you and I and everyone seem to have internalized the "Jim Crow one drop rule" (i.e., one drop of "black" blood makes you black . . .).

Part of the trouble is that we're all "willfully ignorant" in our own ways, it's just hard to notice our own . . .

But back to Owen's question . . . I'd say that the Republicans have really gotten on board with the idea that it's OK to say and do *anything* to get elected. In my experience, Democrats tend to have at least a little trouble flat out lying . . .

I often play the "projection" game when I listen to political rhetoric -- i.e., if they accuse their opponents of something, it's probably because they know that's what they'd do (or are doing). A few examples: McCain says "Obama will say anything to get elected" (charge doesn't really apply to Obama, but certainly does to McCain). McCain/Palin say "Obama is a socialist" (Palin is popular in Alaska because she increased taxes on the rich (corporations) and gave the money directly to ordinary people, no strings attached). McCain says "Obama wants to `spread the wealth around'" -- meaning, he wants you to believe, take money from some people and give it to others (he, and rich Republicans, are all for it, as long as what you mean is, take $700 billion from ordinary people and give it to financial institutions . . .)

 Oh, well . . .


p.s.   On the "Why isn't Obama white?" question:

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