On Jan 17, 2010, at 7:02 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:
If prices come down to ~$50/month for unlimited data + phone service I might consider jumping back in. As it is, having POCPS (Plain Old Cell Phone Service) is actually kind of ... peaceful.

Peaceful?  Parrots?   :)

Cost is *definitely* an issue. Checking your bill is shocking when you see around 15% is various state, local, federal fees.

I'm paying $57.15:
- $49.98 (Phone/Text: $29.99, Unlimited Data: $19.99)
-  $7.17 Fees and Services!
.. so 14% of my cell bill is my government at work.

I'm curious: what do other Friamers using a data plan pay?

One reason my current service was cheaper than ATT (by around $15!) was that TMobile had a more options for phone/text, and data was cheaper, so I could get a good match (I don't use the phone all that much).

    -- Owen

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