Thus spake Nicholas Thompson circa 02/14/2010 10:49 AM:
> Rights talk is madness. 

That's the most true sentence I've seen on this mailing list. [grin]
Nobody has a right to anything.  Some of us are lucky enough to be in
the right social classes to take advantage of particular legal systems;
but that's the whole extent of it.  If there are any rights at all, they
are those provided by our biology.

E.g. I have the right to be hungry when I don't eat.  I have the right
to be euphoric when I hunt.  I have the right to pain and death in the
freezing dawn in my cardboard shanty under the bridge.

Everything else is ideology and illusion.  Luckily, there are those of
us who are crafty enough to exploit the gullibility of those around us
so that our rights seem more real than theirs.

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095,

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