glen e. p. ropella wrote:
Thus spake Douglas Roberts circa 10-02-19 10:42 AM:
Chill, dude.  You're destroying the karma of the list.
As well as wasting my time.
I thought *this* was the karma of the list!

I see Glen becoming as righteously indignant about Doug's rant as Doug is about NewEgg's shortcomings.

All's well that ends well.  

Doug now has (a verbal promise of?) financial satisfaction, including a gift certificate from NewEgg worth about 35 minutes of his time <grin>.

Time to replace that $399 refurb laptop with a $549 new one with it's video camera installed right-side up?

If only Pete Nanos had had the foresight to apologize to Doug and give him a $150 certificate for Nambe Ware 5 years ago.

- Steve

Heh, that's rich.  You regularly point out flaws in others' reasoning
and generally poo-poo many of the more interesting ideas on this list.
Then when someone (jokingly, even) challenges you, you resort to
"destroying the karma" and "wasting my time"?  Where I come from we call
people like you "glass cannons".  You hit really hard but shatter at the
slightest return blow.

C'est la vie.  [sigh]

Re: The complexity tie-in -- it's complicated, but I don't have time to go
into it right now.  I'll get back to you on that.  In the mean time,
consider the complex social dynamics, as they interact, interface, and
propagate in todays' complex socio-economic grid, vis a vis the 500,000+
person-agents who have been made aware of a bad actor in the transactional
mix via the attractor of social networking propagation paths (cyclic, as
well as acyclic), all a mere 18 hours after the perceived bad transaction
was detected.

Nonsense.  I have no issue with Newegg.  I do have issues with people
who buy a product before researching it, then when they have a problem,
blame others for that problem... and THEN when things don't go their
way, throw a hissy fit and waste everyone's time complaining.  As
pointed out by Steve, Newegg is no different from any other corporation.
 Yes, corporations aggregate human traits.  They aggregate stupidity as
well as other things more positive like successfully serving YOUR needs
for many years.  Your rantings come off as precisely what they are, the
rantings of an angry person who needs to step back and consider the
bigger picture... and perhaps come up with practical solutions to the
cause rather than myopic band-aids for the symptom.


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