Here 'tis for *gor nisht -*

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Scott R. Powell <> wrote:

> Good grief, I have that as a Little Blue Book published by E.
> Haldeman-Julius, falling apart on high acid content paper.
> Scott
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Paul Paryski <> wrote:
>> Take a look at this:
>>  [image: ISBN: 9781116904437 - One Hundred Best 
>> Books]<>
>>  One Hundred Best 
>> Books<>
>> John Cowper Powys
>> *ISBN10:* 1116904438  *ISBN13:* 9781116904437
>> *Publisher:* BiblioLife, LLC
>> *Format:* Paperback
>> *Publication date:* 07 Nov 2009
>>  cheers, Paul
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> To:
>> Sent: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 3:39 pm
>> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] The Best 10 Fictional Works
>>  Robert --
>> The St. John's graduate in me says "whoopie"! Here are 10, in no
>> particular order:
>> Shakespeare: Sonnets
>> Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet
>> Dante: The Divine Comedy
>> Homer: The Iliad
>> Tolstoy: War & Peace
>> Cervantes: Don Quixote
>> Eliot: Middlemarch
>> Austen: Pride & Prejudice
>> Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
>> Melville: Moby Dick
>> If you're okay with an anthology, The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose is
>> well worth a look, as is anything by Wodehouse, I believe.
>> I'm sure some will quibble with my choices (too Western, too St. John's-y,
>> not really fiction), but I'd aver at least some of them qualify in the sense
>> of being "based on a true story", if not necessarily fiction.
>> Happy Reading!
>> - Claiborne Booker -
>>  -----Original Message-----
>> From: Robert J. Cordingley <>
>> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
>> >
>> Sent: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 3:44 pm
>> Subject: [FRIAM] The Best 10 Fictional Works
>>  Ok, so I've decided my literary education is somewhat lacking and would
>> like to know this group's recommendations for the "10 Best Literary Works" I
>> should read. They have to be works of fiction and available in English and
>> not just say of 2009 but of all time. Google searches tend to list the best
>> of a year or be listed by one particular publisher. This is a good group to
>> poll since you all (most) have at least some kind of scientific/technical
>> bent. So I know the suggestions will be good ones for me!
>> Once I have a list of all suggestions maybe I'll ask you all to vote on
>> them.
>> My list currently starts with Frank's recommendation today:
>>   "Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West" by Cormac McCarthy
>> Thanks!
>> Robert C.
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