Victoria Hughes wrote:
> (hot shot firefighters, high-stakes poker players, etc)

  That reminds me of some work done here at Sandia concerning human
decision-making under stressful conditions.  Chris Forsyte (no longer
here) created a model based on a real incident in the PG 1.0 of a
special operations team being discovered by a civilian from a nearby
village before they had accomplished their mission behind enemy lines.
His behavioral decision-making model (as opposed to rational
decision-making models) showed that lots of trivial and, apparently,
irrelevant factors make the difference between shoot and no-shoot (i.e.
kill the civilian and continue the mission or leave the civilian and
abort the mission).  Factors such as sleep-deprivation, fatigue, hunger,
and others seem to make people decide upon radically different actions
during crises.

Ray Parks         
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