It's strange that when Gladwell says this stuff, it sounds attractive, but when
a behaviorist says the same thing people think it sounds crazy: 

"Intelligent" behavior is not caused by "thinking", but rather it is simply
attunement of the body to the correct environmental variables. There is nothing
"built up" about it, quite the opposite, it is pared down and simplified. It is
"selective attention", in terms purely of one's behavior being dependent upon
only the essential aspects of what is going on around you. This shouldn't lead
us to think the mind even more wonderful, but rather to question the usefulness
of mind-talk and mind-focused-learning in the first place. 



On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 06:50 PM, Ted Carmichael <> wrote:
>>On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Merle Lefkoff <<#>> wrote:
Merle Lefkoff wrote:
[snip] Even so-called "experts" are hard-wired for "loss aversion".  They are
likely to form their predictions based on how recently they predicted wrongly
and NOT on the statistics they've studied. 
>Well, the point in Gladwell's book was that a LOT of learning and experience
is built up, so that predictions or assessments, etc., become immediate,
knee-jerk reactions.  The processes that inform such decisions occur below the
level of consciousness, but nevertheless require years of study. 
>So it's not just statistics that are studied, but rather thousands and
thousands of instances of learning that are remembered, and thus aggregated
below conscious awareness.  Even though the process of training one's brain for
many different examples requires conscious thought and reflection, the end
result becomes a reflexive action.

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