epilogue :

(- no fake quotes here!)

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Vladimyr Burachynsky <vbur...@shaw.ca>wrote:

> I urge the angry to ask why. Too often storming away from a table is
> exactly why we never break ground.
> As to the topic of Complexity , this is one component you never inquired
> of, Why do sensible people become IDIOTS. How does society create idiots out
> of men?
> That was my reason to join long ago. The fact that IDIOTS are convinced
> that they are correct Fascinates me.
> How can any of us  trust the words coming out of our mouths, if we were to
> discover we have been blindly lead by a Narrative into a cul de sac of
> Idiocy.
> The story of binLaden was writen long ago Tolstoy. The short story, Hadji
> Murat,  describes much of the same atmosphere.
> The killing was easy , the understanding is difficult.
> It takes no great skill to kill, any brute can do it, it is a much greater
> challenge  to keep something alive.
> How do we model stupifaction of real people?
> Vladimyr Ivan Burachynsky PhD
> vbur...@shaw.ca
> 120-1053 Beaverhill Blvd.
> Winnipeg,Manitoba, R2J3R2
> Canada
>  (204) 2548321 Land
> (204) 8016064  Cell
> *From:* friam-boun...@redfish.com [mailto:friam-boun...@redfish.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Douglas Roberts
> *Sent:* May-06-11 7:37 PM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Terrorosity and it's Fruits
> Salaam Mohammed,
> Speaking as an American, I'm afraid that I can assert with a fair degree of
> accuracy that percentage-wise, very few Americans are aware of the
> historical/current events vis-a-vis US interactions with
> mid-eastern political entities that you so accurately denote below.  For
> reasons that I fail to comprehend, we have truly become a nation of idiots.
>  Nearly as discouraging, if I may suggest, is the clear emergence of
> multiple nations of Islamic idiots which seem to comprise the majority of
> mid eastern countries these days. Perhaps the real issue here is that we are
> a planet of idiots.
> Several evolutions later the answer to all of this become apparent, I'm
> sure, if biological life is still possible on this planet then.
> Best,
> --Doug
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Mohammed El-Beltagy <moham...@computer.org>
> wrote:
> Thanks Steve and Peggy, you give me more praise than I deserve.
> I naturally see terrorism as abhorrent and I regret that Russel read
> my few lines as an attempt to be an apologists for those who attack
> the US and Israel. I am against any form of violence being exercised
> against any human being, and that also happens to includes
> Palestinians, Iraqis, and Afghans.
> I just wonder how many Americans aware of the following:
> 1. The US supported and trained Bin Laden and a host of other groups
> with unsavory ideologies during the cold war.
> 2. The US supported and continues to support dictators in the middle
> east. They have been propping up Mubark for 30 years.
> 3. Official civilian deaths in Iraq are now in excess of 100K. Many
> Iraqi refuges in Cairo tell me that life was MUCH better under
> Saddam!!!
> 4. The US actively supports Saudi Arabia and does not seem to mind
> their proselytizing Wahhabism in the middle east and South East Asia.
> That ideology justifies and absolute rule of the Saudi Royal
> family.... hence cheep oil.. but also the side effect of terrorism.
> I agree with Peggy that it would be wrong to lay the blame fully on
> any one country (I would also add religion,and race). But, to say that
> it is down to some group of human beings who are simply evil and
> hateful is equally mindless. They US played a significant part in this
> monster creation. To my mind, the processes of monster creation is
> still active. That worries me. That must stop.
> Cheers,
> Mohammed
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:
> > Mohammed -
> >
> > I want to second Peggy's thanks for your thoughts and would like to add
> the
> > following to hers:
> >
> > I agree with Peggy on most points.  Terrorism is always horrific (it is
> > designed to be so) and we should seek to avoid provoking it and prevent
> it's
> > occurrence and mitigate it's effects as best we can.   The apprehension
> (by
> > death) of Osama bin Laden was perhaps a neccesary act but as your poem
> (and
> > Peggy's response) suggests, we should use this moment to reflect on our
> own
> > part in having created the monster we finally destroyed, and in how we
> are
> > surely continuing to create the conditions that lead to all this in the
> > first place.
> >
> > Where I might diverge from Peggy's description is in the implication that
> we
> > are "becoming" more predatory.  I do believe that in our greed and fear
> we
> > continue to develop more *leverage* for ourselves, economic, military,
> even
> > popular culture.   And thereby we become more *capable predators* than
> > ever.  But I think the fundamental problem is that we have always been
> > predatory...
> >
> > By *we*, I am not sure if I mean "the United States of America", "the
> West",
> > "Industrialized Nations", "All Nations", "all of Humanity" even
> "Primates"
> > or "Sentient Creatures" or what...   certainly the last US administration
> > was more hawkish and empire driven than we have seen in a while and
> arguably
> > it was in anticipation and in reaction to that more predatory posture
> that
> > the 9/11 attacks happened, but Bush and Co. were standing on the
> shoulders
> > of giants.  They did not invent predation, they merely amped it up,
> cashed
> > in on it.  As sick as it sounds, they may have done us a favor by
> exposing
> > our own nature to us in such a blunt manner.
> >
> >  The US is a product of the Imperial Powers in Europe during the age of
> > discovery, colonization and empire.   With the whole north American
> > continent (and it's indigenous peoples) to conquer, and several european
> > powers (Britain, Spain, France) to try to expel, we did not focus on the
> > rest of the world so much until the 20th century, with WWI and WWII
> giving
> > us the excuse or the reason to establish a global military and industrial
> > presence.  The cold war was either a continuation or a result of that.
> >
> > The industrialized world's thirst for petroleum caused us to meddle a
> great
> > deal in the middle east and north Africa...   and we, who became the
> > mightiest economic and military power amongst the industrialized world,
> > became dominant players in that meddling.   Our predatory behaviour in
> this
> > regard is more like that of the Hudson Bay Company or the East India
> Company
> > than the conquistadors of Spain in the new world gathering gold and souls
> or
> > the European Crusaders retaking their "holy lands".   But it is predatory
> > nonetheless, and every one of us depends on that predation for our high
> > standard of living.
> >
> > We have allowed, no encouraged, and I fear even supported overtly and
> > covertly via our intelligence and military resources, the expansion of a
> > global network of industries and businesses as their own empire.
> Petroleum
> > is the obvious commodity, but we have done the same with other natural
> > resources (minerals, precious metals and gems, timber, even agriculture
> and
> > human labor).
> >
> > What can we do?  Can the Lion lay down with the Lamb?  Is there in fact a
> > Lamb, or just Cats of many sizes and stripe?  My world is split into two
> > very distinct camps:  1) Those who believe it is our right, our destiny,
> a
> > necessity to be not just predators, but at the pinnacle of the predatory
> > chain; and  2) those who have no overt wish to be a predator nor to
> suffer
> > predation in their name but seem unaware of their place, their role in
> the
> > chain.
> >
> > What I don't see enough of is the latter group understanding that they
> (WE)
> > directly benefit (and suffer) from that predation and it is incumbent on
> us
> > to find better ways of living in this world.   I was a vegetarian for 17
> > years roughly because I did not wish to be part of the system of animal
> > cruelty and abuse that our meat industry had become (was by it's very
> > nature?).  I was raised among simple people who mostly ate meat from
> animals
> > that they hunted or raised and slaughtered themselves.   Those cruel
> > realities were something I accepted but never became numb to, which made
> the
> > awareness of the meat industry that much more poignant.  If killing,
> > gutting, dismembering and then eating an animal seems cruel, then doesn't
> > hiring that out to people who have become so numbed to the process (or
> were
> > self-selected for that numbness or even morbid fascination) that they
> don't
> > notice nor care about the suffering, compound the cruelty?   I found few
> > amongst my vegetarian and non-vegetarian friends who understood my
> stance.
> > To most of the former, any killing of an animal was unthinkable (though
> cute
> > ones even moreso than the ugly), and to most of the latter, it was a
> simple
> > matter of "don't-ask, don't tell"... with only a few seeming to revel in
> the
> > predation directly and virtually none looking at the situation as a
> > "system".
> >
> > And I find our global situation today to be quite similar... those who
> revel
> > in predation in the world, and those who prefer to hire it out and whine
> > when they accidentally notice what they've hired out.  When we go all
> "shock
> > and awe" on a relatively innocent population or we destroy whole
> ecosystems
> > with a "minor" error in judgement or execution of our petroleum
> extraction
> > and transport.  We know who to hate when they get caught red handed, but
> > meanwhile we buy their products, we take profits from investing in their
> > "corporations" or "commodities", and we enjoy the fruits of their
> predation
> > but don't think much past that, or know what else to do.
> >
> > Me too.  Sadly, me too.   I have my "tricks for reducing my carbon
> > footprint", of "organic, macrobiotic consumption", etc.  and I try to
> speak
> > out against the most egregious acts of my leaders and the
> > military-industrial complex which I support through my taxes and my
> > consumerism... but I don't really do much to change the fundamental
> > problems.  I may worry and I may posture but mostly I just continue to
> help
> > feed the dysfunctional feedback loop.
> >
> > I know this may sound like self-flagellation and perhaps it is, but it is
> > these pivotal moments of reflection (9/12/2001 or this week for example)
> are
> > the times when we have a chance to look a little deeper into the mirrors
> > held up by such events.
> >
> > I also have hope that more and more awareness is rising amongst us,
> > including those who might be in a position to make important changes and
> > that the rest of us are ready to follow or to pitch in as needed if a
> better
> > way is found/discovered/recognized/created, if another basin of
> attraction
> > can be tumbled into.  Is there a kinder, gentler basin or attraction to
> > wander in than the predatory one we inhabit now?   The middle east seems
> to
> > be in just such a bifurcation moment where many are finally able to pitch
> in
> > or at least cooperate with the changes and maybe find new stable,
> > life-affirming orbits.  They had to be ready for it for it to happen and
> to
> > play along.   Are we?
> >
> >
> > Thanks again to Mohammed for his poem and Peggy's response and to all the
> > rest here who are using this moment to reflect rather than react, and
> maybe
> > to look for hopeful alternatives to our clearly hopeless chasing of our
> own
> > tails in the exploitative, consumerist cycles we are in.
> >
> > - Steve
> >
> > In response to Mohammed Beltagy's few lines of poetry related to Osama
> Bin
> > Laden's death:
> > Thank you for submitting those.
> >
> > Though this situation is/was one fraught with fear, anger, retaliation,
> and,
> > as you mention, hatred, we as a country responded in such a way that had
> me
> > choking a bit on the size of the response and lack of control of the
> > response, and also our unwillingness, our continued unwillingness to face
> > some of the responsibility for the anger and hatred that engendered the
> > original 9/11 attack. And though I do not believe that terrorist attacks
> of
> > that nature are necessarily the result of any nation's specific actions
> --
> > and are more often an irrational result of an acumulation of anger,
> hatred
> > for a sumtotal of causes and events over a long history, still, it is
> always
> > wise to take a look at one's own actions to see how they might have
> elicited
> > any tiny part of an action. We have become a country that seems to use
> war,
> > rather than alternative actions, as a way to convince ourselves we are
> > addressing our problems. I find our own international actions have become
> > extremely warlike and predatorial in nature, rather than thoughtful,
> > scientific responses to overwhelming environmental and resource problems.
> > And though I do not condone or support in any way a terrorist action, I
> > think we need to face that we too are looked on, often, as predatorial,
> > warring peoples by some other countries, and this does not help our
> > international presence, or our own national pocketbooks/budget, or even
> help
> > us move toward good answers to international problems.
> >
> > so thanks.
> > Peggy Miller
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Peggy Miller, owner/OEO
> > Highland Winds
> > wix.com/peggymiller/highlandwinds
> > Shop is at 1520 S. 7th St. W. (Just west of Russell)
> > Art, Photography, Herbs and Writings
> > 406-541-7577 (home/office/shop)
> > Shop Hours: Wed-Thurs 3-7 pm
> >                    Fri-Sat: 8:30-12:30 am
> >
> >
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