Tory -

You are most welcome... Doug sums up what you said about our house simply by referring to it as a "Hobbit House". He (nor you for that matter) never actually saw the house we lived in before, an eclectic adobe built by an old hippy friend in the 60s while he was probably on Acid or Peyote or Datura or maybe just bad black light posters. Hobbit all the way. It was very wonderfully organic. We watched Los Alamos burn 11 years ago from a straw bale sleeping cabana just outside of it. And here we are again.

I was specifically trying to lubricate Doug, entice Peter and tease Nick and Stephen (since they were out of state) with the invite but as always it is great to have you at our impromptu soirees. I didn't actually expect anyone on-list to make it, we were glad you did. We are, in fact, both a wave and a particle. And so are we.

Meanwhile, the project alluded to begins by retrieving (from Palo Alto) 5 sheets of 3/4" thick 10' x 10' glass designed to be the screens for a virtual reality theater in Los Alamos. The original system using these was on it's way to Los Alamos when the Cerro Grande fire started. I got word that the replacement/backup (these were custom made, floated on a pool of mercury or something) screens needed a new home and I could have them just as Las Conchas was bearing down on Los Alamos. Deja Vu!

I'll tell more about the actual use of this glass when the project shapes up. For the moment it is just an exercise in lifting heavy things... carefully. If we drop them... square marbles everywhere. If you know anyone with an extra hundred grand who wants to create their own realities, send them my way. I may have a deal for them!

I am prone to manic soliloquys here as a way to avoid (temporarily) dealing with my latest deadline... I'm sure they have drugs (Thorazine comes to mind) and procedures (a sharp spoon under the eyelid comes to mind) to treat these symptoms but I prefer Bourbon or Gin and the polite forbearance of friends and strangers such as I enjoy on this list.

If I manage to make 3000lbs of square marbles, I promise to send pictures! Heck think of the art projects you could do with that many 3/4" cubes of glass!

- Steve

And a grand bottle it was, too. Now there's a tangent, a great bottle of Bourbon.

Thanks, Sas, for the excellent summer get-together! Wonderful conversations at our table about art, science, observation, cognitive processing, perception, awareness, ooooh, all the big ones. Consciousness. Be still my heart. Someone tell the discuss list.
Have another shindig: we'll all bring more food.
You two have the best house in the world....the walls are made of books and there's no clear inside and outside to the place, just activity. Perhaps this is physics in actuality, rather than theory.

Have a great drive. I for one am verrrry curious about your transmutational optics project. ??

Catch ya later-

On Jul 5, 2011, at 7:11 PM, Steve Smith wrote:

Doug -

You're one of my favorites here, sas. We can always count on you for a good stream of consciousness.

Thanks, It's about all I have left after I used everything else up trying to be a scientist. I intend to spend the rest of my life honing my richochets into proper non-sequitors. You missed the bottle of Boulliete Rye Saturday. And some new characters at the funny farm. And the moon is made of green cheese. And I'm about to drive two days straight each way to (probably) turn 3000lbs of carefully constructed optical components into an equal mass of square marbles. I need all the distraction I can get. Segue. Careen. Tangent.

- Steve

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