It seems so far science and tech have been regarded as thing, or adjectives
to describe 'problem' - whereas I consider them processes (and to a much
lesser extent philosophies in the) and not necessarily even ones with
discrete ends, but more a recursive approach - I see a phenomena, I make a
'magic' explanation, I collect data on it, and see if the magic matches the
data. If not, I revise the explanation. If so, I see if it predicts more
data. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Really we are making rules (that are not
perfect and have exceptions, and are therefore not 'done') and making more
rules that govern the exceptions (and those rules also have exceptions). So
we have something asymptotically approaching whatever objective
Truth/reality there is by way of infinite regression. Then if we are doing
tech, we makes things that take advantage of this set of rules and
therefore work most of the time.
I think something difficult about psychology is that much of the data has
to be collected through someone else - those involved in the study.
-Arlo James Barnes.
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