Good info, thanks.  Yeah, I'm starting to get serious about paying Dropbox
or one of the others.

One downside of the more automatic systems (I think) is that you don't get
a shell that you can run backup scripts on.  Why would I want to backup
Dropbox?  Well, the speed of the backbone network is really fast, so
nightly mirroring your system onto AZ for example is fast, and their
storage is quite cheap.

I've also started thinking more seriously about RAID .. basically redundant
mirrored disks.  Drobo was the first to offer consumer systems.  Synology
has also appeared on the scene at some pretty reasonable price points.
 Pogue has an article or two on these.

So after a bit of research, I decided on a 2TB pair of 3.5" disks in a
Synology enclosure.  It can be run as an attached system or a NAS .. I'll
do the latter most likely.

The main advantage is that if one of the disks go, you have another which
hopefully you can depend on until you get a replacement for the one down
disk.  I chose the so-called "red" or "server grade" disks which I hope
will last a couple of years .. by then SSD's will have taken over and I
believe they can be made even more robust and a hell of a lot faster.

   -- Owen

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Tom Johnson <> wrote:

> Owen:
> I use to varying degree most of the services; I'm always testing them
> because I often talk about storage alternatives in workshops.  Dropbox is
> easy to use, but be sure to pay the extra $30 or $40 to get its back up
> service.  I've found that if I share a folder with someone, and at some
> point he/she deletes the files  or folders from their local HD, then it
> also is deleted from the Dropbox folder in the Cloud.  So far, I've been
> able to go in and restore all the folders and files, but that seems to be a
> shortcoming.
> I also like SugarSync, Gladinet and use the MS product(s).  That's plural
> because MS can't seem to decided what to call it's products:  Is it
> "LiveDrive" or is it "Mesh" or "SkyDrive."  Most confusing.
> I also have external USB hard drives.
> -tom
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Joseph Spinden <> wrote:
>>  My "solution" is external hard drives:
>> 1. one-time purchase cost
>> 2. relatively inexpensive
>> 3. not dependent upon the cloud servers.  I am not willing to chance a
>> 1-in-a-100-years failure..
>> Joe
>> On 1/15/13 9:14 AM, Mark Suazo wrote:
>> I'd like to find a "cloud" service for images - problem is, I'd got
>> approximately 300GB of images going back to 2001. Some duplication, but
>> mostly lots of RAW files. Dropbox wants $500/year. I need a more affordable
>> solution  Any ideas?
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Arlo Barnes <>wrote:
>>> I got Dropbox mainly for collaboration (sharing datasets and R files),
>>> and now I use it as the central storage location for all my photos - they
>>> go straight from the card (which is then cleared to make room) to Dropbox
>>> through it's automatic transfer function. I have had no problems, although
>>> the occasional horror story of individual files being lost without a trace
>>> has prompted me to start uploading them to a photoblog.
>>> I use Chrome sync[h] but because the computers I use are generally
>>> somewhat slow (especially with the number of tabs I am in the habit of
>>> opening) I don't often use the extensions that are synchronized. I am not
>>> impressed with the bookmark sync[h], as old folders that have been deleted
>>> on one computer are often restored from another. Then again, I have
>>> somewhat given up hope on keeping track of things I want to investigate
>>> with bookmarks anyway, as I create just too many. To-do lists have
>>> supplanted them for the most part; I still use Chrome's "save this window
>>> as a folder-full of bookmarks" function to save a browsing/work session for
>>> a time when my computer is less bogged down.
>>> For the most part, though, I have been trying to eliminate the need for
>>> backups altogether. As a student with not much budget for purchasing
>>> memory, and one that uses temporarily loaned computers and ones that break
>>> after only a year or two of use, I find it much easier to use online
>>> services for most program and data storage - using Google Docs rather than
>>> Word or Open Office, for instance. It makes collaboration and sharing a lot
>>> easier, too - I can worry less about file formats. To pick another example,
>>> instead of using iTunes or WinAmp or VLC (although I also have the latter
>>> for miscellaneous purposes) with a music library I use Grooveshark.
>>> There are still many things that need to be offline due to the paucity
>>> of Internet access in my house and sometimes at school, but many things can
>>> just be re-found - it is easier for me to re-download my ebooks, and
>>> various programs (Pidgin, GIMP, Inkscape, Notepad++, Chrome of course, a
>>> tuner program, and others including those mentioned above [Dropbox and
>>> VLC]) than to find and transfer them on a jumpdrive or such. However, I
>>> noticed I have also taken increasingly to putting all my files in one place
>>> - a folder on the desktop - rather than using My Documents. I even run
>>> programs that do not need to alter the registry and therefore self-install,
>>> such as tkMOO, from the desktop. With all this centrally located it is
>>> easier to pick up and move shop should I need to.
>>> And now I have a website I can put stuff I don't mind being public in
>>> one place, too.
>>> This all might be oblique to your question since I am not using the pay
>>> Dropbox, or Dropbox in a big way at all.
>>>  -Arlo James Barnes
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