Although it might seem that I would have a similar view as Bruce since we both 
support 3D graphics for educational purposes, my experience is exactly the 
opposite of Bruce's. I have to support thousands of mostly CS students and 
various professionals every year. Windows is an absolute nightmare for me to 
support with somewhat linux behind that. I have never had a problem on a Mac 
that wasn't my own error.

Maybe the difference is that the majority of my users use C/C++. Incompatible 
versions of DirectX, changes in Visual Studio, coupled with driver issues from 
third party graphics boards and dealing with 32 and 64 bit architectures makes 
it almost impossible to give a single set of instructions on how to get an 
OpenGL program running. If I get someone going on a 32 bit build, that may not 
work for 64 bits on the same machine. We even had to add a line in one of our 
libraries that sets a single element of a small array to 0.0 because of a 
driver bug in an AMD driver.

The problems with linux have usually been simpler to deal with, usually 
involving where each one puts the "standard" libraries or how they are named.

I used to recommend and do my own development using linux under Windows but 
that got worse with problems of dealing with dynamic vs dynamic libraries.

If I didn't have to do so much support for my textbook and was only doing my 
own work, then there would be some attraction to Windows such as the ability to 
access the latest hardware. Apple sometimes infuriates me by its slowness hand 
secrettness in keeping up with graphics standards but when they do upgrade, the 
software is correct and works across their hardware and versions of OSX..


Ed Angel

Founding Director, Art, Research, Technology and Science Laboratory (ARTS Lab)
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of New Mexico

1017 Sierra Pinon
Santa Fe, NM 87501
505-984-0136 (home)           
505-453-4944 (cell)                   

On Feb 8, 2013, at 8:32 AM, Bruce Sherwood wrote:

> I'm not claiming that Windows has all the answers for all possible goals. 
> What I am pointing out is that in the case of a quite non-trivial application 
> there has been remarkable stability that has been missing from both Mac and 
> Linux environments. I haven't seen Microsoft being given credit for this, and 
> it's not unimportant. Clearly someone at Microsoft has thought it important 
> that applications continue to work.
> Concerning graphics, with each new release of Ubuntu I find it easy or 
> difficult to install a proprietary graphics driver without which even simple 
> 3D can fail. As for the Mac, a couple years ago World of Warcraft was broken 
> on the Macbook Pro for something like a year and a half because the graphics 
> driver had been tweaked to cater to some iProgram, and there was no way to 
> upgrade the driver, given the closed Mac environment.
> What I'm objecting to is the facile assumption in computer-savvy circles that 
> "obviously" Windows and Microsoft are hopeless (roll the eyes). That's not 
> the whole story.
> Bruce
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Marcus G. Daniels <> 
> wrote:
> On 2/7/13 10:54 PM, Bruce Sherwood wrote:
> To repeat, Windows for my 3D graphics development purposes has been far more 
> stable than either Mac or Ubuntu Linux.
> Windows is the biggest market for gamers.  3D innovation has historically 
> always been first on WIndows.
> If all you want a computer to do is a fixed set of 2d and 3d graphics APIs, 
> then, sure, use Windows.  But performance and stability are only two 
> dimensions.
> I care much more about flexibility than stability or graphics performance.   
> For example, I want to use GPUs for accelerated computation.  It is 
> inappropriate in my situation to code using unportable (CUDA) or crudely 
> simple APIs like OpenCL.   That's no way to write complex, long-lived,  
> maintainable software.   It could be a way to write simple, static, 
> scientific codes that perform on particular cards, if that's all you need to 
> do.   I want the possibility of *some* acceleration over generations of 
> cards, not peak performance for one generation.
> AMD GPUs on Linux now have the driver bits (in Mesa, a free OpenGL) and 
> compiler bits in LLVM (a free compiler).   Together there's now the 
> possibility of integrating real compilers with accelerator technology.   On 
> Windows, this kind of integration and experimentation is not possible.
> Now fast forward to the day this all just works.   Someone writes a code 
> using these compiler tools, but, oops there's a strange anomaly in a 
> particular calculation.   How do you fix it?   Get your favorite bloggers to 
> complain in a public setting?    No thanks, I want direct control.   That 
> means source code.
> Marcus
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