Oops, forgot the HN reference:

I love the first entries .. they think G+ is behind this too. (Don't
understang G+ but...)

I'm one tinfoil hat away from believing this isn't just about discontinuing
unprofitable products, but a concerted effort to kill off support for open
standards (RSS, CalDAV, what's next?) and turning the Google universe into
a Facebook/Apple style walled garden called Google+.

Evil plan or not, the days of Google as the champion of the open web are

Andrenid <https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=Andrenid> 1 hour ago |

This is actually the final step for me.

I've been an avid Google fan since the early days. I use all the Google
services, I use Chrome religiously, I convince family/friends to switch to
Chrome from IE, and I've always been convinced Google is the one we're
supposed to look up to for how things should be done.

Yeah they've made mistakes, and G+ is a clusterfuck of brilliant talent
thrown down a horrible path of closed socialness and realname
ridiculousness... but overall I always thought they were still on the right
side of "Don't Be Evil".

I'm totally convinced this quiet attack on RSS is a not-so-subtle attempt
to push people into G+, and even though I casually use G+ (about the same
as I casually use FB or Twitter), G+ is NOT a replacement for RSS, and it's
not how I want to keep track of all the sites I read. I don't want to
"like" them or add them to my social networks. I just want to read their
shit. Simple.

RSS doesn't care if you're logged in. RSS doesn't care if you use your real
name. RSS doesn't care if you're accessing it from work, home, or
anonymously via an internet cafe. And that's exactly how it should be.

Throw in the Picasaweb crap they're doing now too, FORCING you to use G+
Photos (which is a horrible horrible experience), and I'm done.

I've just installed Firefox on all my home computers and my phone, for the
first time since Chrome came out, and will be looking for a new RSS
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