Hi Steve,

You're already thoroughly innoculated with the meme of nonduality --
if you call me, we'll leave Kansas within 30 minutes -- try this:

Thank you to Jerry Katz for sending this out in his fine newsletter,
Nondual Highlights.
See his appearance here as a Guest Teacher.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Sparks Before the Explosion:
Special Guest Teaching by Jerry Katz

There's no evidence except direct subjective experience of fleeting
perceptions and remembered perceptions within the present moment of
your own awareness -- so the son of man has no place to lay his
head... -- turns out that awareness has no limits -- no boundaries...


On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 11:30 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

> And all my whining about the "style" of Rich's message aside, I have to say
> the content reminds me a great deal of the truism (as I've heard it) from
> Buddhism of:
>     "The only thing different between after enlightenment and before
> enlightenment is that after enlightenmen you realize you have always been
> enlightened".
> I find this quite compelling, even more so than:
>     "When you meet the Buddha on the Path, kill him!"
> Doug can decide if I'm in need of an "intervention"... maybe I *shouldn't*
> have read it twice!
> ============================================================
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