Steam engines work fine on wood - not as efficient but they worked with wood 
for years.  Hydro-power has worked even better since ancient times.

Charcoal comes from wood and can be made into coke.

All that aside, I don't understand the comment "we already have mined and spent 
all of easily available fossil fuels".  That's stupid on several levels.

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Program Manager
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
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On Mar 21, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Robert J. Cordingley wrote:

> At the risk of hijacking the thread... I liked the comment on the ycombinator:
> PeterisP
> There exists a viewpoint that in case of a cataclysm (which would involve 
> man-made objects disappearing*) we would never, ever progress past 18th 
> century tech again.
> The argument is that getting from animal-powered devices to 
> solar/nuclear/whatever powered devices while at the same time switching from 
> 90%-agricultural workforce to anything more progressive can happen only if 
> there is a cheap source of energy available - and we already have mined and 
> spent all of easily available fossil fuels.
> Even if all kinds of fancy devices are available and constructed by rich 
> enthusiasts, the lack of cheap steam power ensures lack of cheap steel/etc, 
> and all the technologies don't get the mass adoption required for their 
> improvements, there are almost no advantages for industrialization, so the 
> world gets stuck in feudal-agriculture systems as the local optimum.
> which suggests the Knowledge Ark would be largely a waste of time.
> * refers to a preceding comment.
> Robert C
> On 3/21/13 11:00 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:
>> From HN, a pointer to a delightfully clever essay that would be loved by 
>> Nick and others who are often bewildered by the hacker alphabet soup of 
>> acronyms and buzz words.
>> Well, what _does_ happen when you got to a web page?
>> This has the possibility of a new book that somehow makes it all reasonably 
>> clear. Maybe.
>>    -- Owen
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