Unrelated to the main topic here, but all the talk of DNR et al reminded me
of this article earlier this week -
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22154552 .

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:38 PM, glen <g...@ropella.name> wrote:

> Douglas Roberts wrote at 04/25/2013 09:44 AM:
> > A better question might be: why are we still teaching them these
> > dishonest little fairy tales in the first place, which we then have to
> > un-teach later?
> I admit that's a more philosophical question, but not a better one.
> It's not clear how answering that question will help address the applied
> complexity problem of handling the mature organism, where these beliefs
> are deeply rooted and may well affect their physiology in some way.
> Harris' questions get to the root of the applied complexity problem.  Do
> you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to a dying old
> person?  If so, is that medically beneficial or detrimental?
> --
> =><= glen e. p. ropella
> Man alive the jive and lyrics,
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