On Jul 5, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

> I have a copy of W7 to put on my PBpro and am sorting out how to manage that 
> now... Fusion, Parallels, WINE, BootCamp?   Sounds like you are happy with 
> Fusion?

I've been happy with Fusion since v2 (I'm at 5 now, and have paid for the 
upgrades). I got Parallels free with the laptop, and tried it for a while, but 
I was so used to Fusion's UI that I stayed with it anyway. I tried VirtualBox 
for a while just because I like open source on principle, but it certainly 
isn't as polished as Fusion (or Parallels).

;; Gary
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