Arlo Barnes wrote at 09/13/2013 08:38 PM:
Gary Schiltz wrote at 09/13/2013 05:41 PM:
Many people are quite willing to put up with a little less freedom
for a little more security. I'm not sure where I come down on the
issue of whether or not those who are so disposed deserve neither.

I think Mr. Franklin's point was that you get what you deserve (which
is true only in narrow contexts) and they will certainly get neither.
In other words, if you want something done right, do it yourself :P

I _think_ the actual quote is: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little 
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."  So, it's possible that the primary point is the 
trade-off between "essential" vs. "temporary".  If that's the right way to read it, then 
I am inclined to agree.  I'd even go so far as to say that you don't deserve safety at all if you give up 
essential safety for temporary safety ... or essential health for temporary health, etc.

I don't suppose it works for, say, celery... I'd gladly give up essential 
celery in exchange for some temporary celery.

glen e. p. ropella, 971-255-2847,
He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense. -- John McCarthy

⇒⇐ glen e. p. ropella
From the frozen depths of a forgotten fjord,
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