On 9/25/13 9:44 AM, glen wrote:
While it makes perfect sense to use a digital classification scheme (confidential, secret, top secret, nuclear, etc.) as a guide for an individual (artifact or human) making a decision, it is unreasonable to expect that classification scheme to arise naturally. The thing about measures is that they can't really be planned, at least not completely. E.g. whether George W. Bush will be considered anything other than an idiot 100 years from now is not something we can specify. Hence, measures tend to produce continua, even if forcibly discretized.
I don't really see what you mean by "arise naturally", nor do I see why W's historical significance is something that needs to be anticipated. People, I think, can come to `classify' the importance of their information. For example, if a gay person applies for a job and has reason to think that their employer would be biased against that, they might either avoid that employer, or keep their status a secret. A person might not disclose their age or marital status for similar reasons, say, because they believed the employer preferred a young, single person would work harder. The process of growing up, and observing how social systems impinge on individuals forces a person to extrapolate to anticipate outcomes, and to discriminate how they reveal information. It seems to me the difference between the `classification' that government or a corporation performs is just that the rules are formed by powerful organizations rather than individuals or families, political advocacy groups, churches, etc.

I suppose this is just another form of Stallman's argument for viral openness in the face of the weaker forms. The real target is the behavior of the humans. The fossilized imprints of their behavior is only a side effect.
Of course..

But that takes me back to the main issue, which is the privileged access of the morlocks. Can the eloi _ever_ expect privacy?

I think no, unless they go to the trouble of thinking hard about how they reveal information, and employ a means by which they enforce it (not just relying on mechanisms provided by a company that will happily betray their users when the government comes down on them). This may just make them, or select them as, morlocks.


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