As a quick followup:
- I use 1password.  Why?  To collect a list of my logins.  Most of us do
not know half of the logins we have!  This lets me at least spend an
afternoon updating all my passwords if I want to.  1P seems OK and works
well in my ecology.

- I use 2-factor with google and their app.  And if a site lets me login w/
OAuth, I try to use google.  A few more ISPs are using 2-factor and if they
are easy to use, I may try them too.  Main issue is pin; most sms it to you
but dongles abound and I think I'll avoid them.

- Where possible I use pub/priv key crypto.  My hosting service.  My home
computers, servers and NAS, ssh sites.  I wish I could use it on my router,
router attacks are on the rise.

   -- Owen

On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

> Ray, you'd have a far better take on passwords, and security of all sorts
> than most of us, love your input on this.
> So here's an observation:
> Passwords are Dead.  Just move along and we'll come back with a better
> solution after the commercial.
> Why?
> 1 - To be secure, you depend on the ISP to be secure. That's OK, but does
> fail often.
> 2 - Apparently length of passwords is the high order bit for crackibility.
> We humans dislike typing 20 character passwords, especially on our phones,
> and its extremely likely to be miss-typed at least once, probability of
> typo goes up with each keystroke.
> 3 - We are also instructed to have a different password for each login.
>  Humans simply cannot do that, they are limited.  Thus they resort to a
> formula like two phrases with a 3-4 character difference in the middle,
> with some significance like "azn" or "books" for amazon.
> 4 - Most ISPs have their own rules for passwords, and likely any formula
> will fail on a percentage of them.  Thus a formula will only work part of
> the time.  Maybe there is a subset that most ISPs accept?  I found UNM, and
> my bank, for example, failed to accept a formula I tried.
> 5 - This leads to keepass, 1password etc to remember all your passwords
> for you.  Silly, but still appears reasonable.  But they typically fail in
> certain situations.  Ex: they are designed for browser use so are
> plugins/bookmarklets.  But what if you have a phone "app".  Won't work.  So
> you have to do stupid tricks to go to the pw app and cut/paste.
> 6 - The latest trend to improve this is two-fold:
>     6.1: Reduce number of logins: Use OAuth to have just a few accounts
> that are very secure.  As soon as twitter, google, facebook, moz, yahoo,
> ... and the rest of the "standard ISPs" all have OAuth (or equivalent), and
> are used by the vast majority of the other sites (forums, stores, ..) we
> have reduced the complexity of the user.  Probably will work with all
> non-creditcard sites.
>     6.2: 2-factor: How make more secure?  So far 2-factor works out pretty
> well.  It would require a standard pin generator, google's is pretty
> effective.  Have to do this to reduce the pile of silly physical pin
> generators.
> I'm not sure this will work, its too complicated for most people.  We
> might be able to have a single pin dongle for 2-factor, could help.  Thus
> far 2-factor for me has been the best, and I use that account via OAuth for
> all the forums, mail lists etc that accept that.  Even stores as long as
> they don't keep the credit card info.
> The fallback is a password keeper as mentioned above.  But do you really
> want it to keep all your passwords?  You're dead without it (travel etc)
> and it simply doesn't work in all situations (apps vs browser) and its a
> bit creepy to depend on a computer program for all your security.
> Sigh.
>    -- Owen
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Parks, Raymond <>wrote:
>>> The addition of a salt to a password makes rainbow tables much less
>>> effective because it makes the table space larger, even trading off chain
>>> length for convergence.  However, rainbow tables are no longer the thing -
>>> with multi-GPU setups, password crackers just brute force passwords.
>>>  Basically, the sequence is:
>>> 1. Using a large (20 million word) multiple language (but standard
>>> ASCII) dictionary derived from text sources across the WWW, hash the words
>>> in that dictionary with variants (leet-speak, other substitutions, plurals,
>>> added numbers, 8 for "ate", et cetera), and compare the outputs to the
>>> captured password file.  Salt is basically a variant that can be accounted
>>> for - extra random characters.
>>> 2.  If some passwords are of the type you dislike, then those can be
>>> brute-forced almost as fast as rainbow tables can be calculated.  Salt is
>>> irrelevant in this process, other than making the effective number of bytes
>>> longer.
>>> In the Ars articles, Step 1 seems to get as much as 90% of self-chosen
>>> passwords in a matter of hours.  The practitioners in the Ars articles
>>> don't go on to Step 2, but I would expect that to take less than a week.
>>>  If the hash algorithm is captured along with the passwords, then the
>>> cracker has the advantage of knowing whether the web-site uses salt.
>>>  Operating systems, of course, are studied off-line to determine the
>>> algorithm and use of salt.
>>>  Ray Parks
>>> Consilient Heuristician/IDART Program Manager
>>> V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
>>> NIPR:
>>> SIPR: (send NIPR reminder)
>>> JWICS: (send NIPR reminder)
>>> On Nov 18, 2013, at 11:48 AM, cody dooderson wrote:
>>> I find passwords really hard to remember. Especially those sites that
>>> require numbers, symbols,uppercase, and lower case characters. I personally
>>> would rather use a 20 character all lowercase 
>>> password<>than an 8 
>>> character mixed symbol password. As a result keep a document, in
>>> the cloud, with all of my passwords stored in plain text. Many of these
>>> passwords I could care less if someone cracked.
>>> Also, I was under the impression that salting prevents the use of rainbow
>>> tables <>.
>>> Cody Smith
>>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Parks, Raymond <>wrote:
>>>> WRT password cracking - Dan Goodin has a good series of articles on
>>>> password cracking at Ars Technica.
>>>> TL;DR - Current GPU-based password cracking using 20-million word
>>>> dictionaries make truly random passwords below 14 characters and nearl all
>>>> pass-phrases susceptible to cracking in a relatively short time.
>>>> On a related subject, roughly 75% of websites store passwords as
>>>> nothing more complicated than simple, unsalted MD5 hashes.  This is almost
>>>> as easy to break as as NTLM.
>>>> Salt makes the initial crack more difficult, but if the same salt is
>>>> used for all hashes, then subsequent cracks ignore it.
>>>> WRT the use of PII - it's sold on various markets, correlated in a "big
>>>> data" manner with other exposures, and, if enough information is available
>>>> and the person's credit score is high enough, is used for credit attacks.
>>>>  In some cases, if banking information is correlated, the collection is
>>>> used for banking attacks.  If there is poor correlation but an email or
>>>> FQDN is in the information, then the data may be used as a target list.
>>>> Ray Parks
>>>> Consilient Heuristician/IDART Program Manager
>>>> V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
>>>> NIPR:
>>>> SIPR: (send NIPR reminder)
>>>> JWICS: (send NIPR reminder)
>>>> On Nov 18, 2013, at 10:12 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:
>>>> A forum I belong to has been hacked, including personal info as well as
>>>> passwords.
>>>> How do they use this information?
>>>> I presume they try the hash function on all combinations of possible
>>>> passwords.  (Naturally optimized for faster convergence).  They see a
>>>> match, i.e. a letter combination resulting in the given hash of the
>>>> password.
>>>> If they crack one password, does that make cracking the rest any easier?
>>>> And does "salt" simply increase the difficulty, and indeed can it be
>>>> deduced, as above, by cracking a single password?
>>>> .. or is it all quite different from this!
>>>>    -- Owen
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