Chris Arnade writes:

"The people who challenged my atheism most were drug addicts and prostitutes"

Glen writes:

"Between then and now, I came across the term "predatory economic rationalism"


"Perhaps it relates to the categorization of people into those who sense lost opportunity acutely versus those who tend to think their options are more open? Or, perhaps it has something to do with whether one believes in free will? ... or perhaps the extent of the freedom in free will?"

Or the `successful' may just be apex predators, but still just one of many possible species of person. They feed on the productivity of these other species. Perhaps not wanting to be one of them, the drug addict (unconsciously) denies the predator that productivity... As Arnade observes, everyone makes mistakes, so perhaps we can just enumerate the wolves and note that's what wolves do but that they get no further honor.


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