On 04/11/2014 10:32 AM, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:
On Fri, 2014-04-11 at 10:26 -0700, glen wrote:

2) experiment and analyze for the types of manifolds that lead to
more/good symmetry, then support those.

Symmetry of what?  What is an example of such a manifold?

Well, most of us, I think, agree that symmetry with respect to female and male compensation is a good symmetry. So, there's one example. There are plenty more. But I can't help thinking you're asking for examples for a nefarious reason ... perhaps to build a straw man. 8^)

One social manifold would be the hyper liberal tech scene here in Portland. To look at the male/female symmetry in the context of that manifold, we can examine our "feminist hacker space": http://fluxlab.io/. Many of the brogrammers we have here have objected quite strongly to its very existence. They yelp "reverse prejudice" and heap all sorts of criticism on it. Luckily, our social manifold shuts those idiots down rather quickly. Change the manifold, perhaps by moving down to Santa Clara or even Palo Alto, and I suspect such symmetry-maintaining pressures will lessen.

⇒⇐ glen

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