Sounds like an economic incentive might be called for to correct the community 
structure.  In the past, some non-technical support sites required that a 
questioner have previously answered questions before they were allowed to ask 
them.  Alternately, the vendor could provide giveaways or benefits to active 
participants.  The problem with the former strategy in a technical problem 
forum is that one has no incentive until one has a problem.   The problem with 
the latter idea is that it frequently creates a small group of highly active 
participants whose reward-getting prowess drives off lesser contributors.

Perhaps the best solution would be some combination of one or both of the above 
economic incentive with a concerted effort to create the buzz that does create 
a community.  Apple forums have this because of the phanboi effect, but a 
vendor can create this with constant reminders, special offers, freebies, and 
other social activity.  The Daz3D folks seem to try to do this - the Sketchup 
team tries but their communications are far too intermittent.

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Program Manager
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
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NIPR reminder)
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On Jul 16, 2014, at 11:23 PM, Arlo Barnes wrote:

Well, I generally think of the improvement of forum interactions as a community 
phenomenon, eased or impeded by the structure of communication and interaction 
with the site infrastructure*, rather than as a computational dilemma per se;  
but I would be interested to hear what ways you think fora could be improved by 
A general forum for thinking about internet fora (or forums, depending on your 
preference) is here<>.
-Arlo James Barnes

*For software support, it is that interaction with the site is very limited - 
mostly, people are only there for the duration of the time they need 
assistance, and during that time are more interested in getting help than 
giving help. There is no time for the structure, mores, and history of the site 
to become clear, and so communication is weakened.
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