For what it's worth, here are my answers:
1. I use 1Password on the Mac, Windows, and IOS, which is currently all the computers I use. The passwords it generates for me are currently 20 characters including upper and lower case, digits, punctuation, and symbols. I never (well, hardly ever) have to enter one by hand, so I don't mind using ambiguous characters (1, l, I, 0, O). They are not limited to 20 characters, but that seemed enough to me. The only problem is sites that put a low limit on the number of characters in a password (!!!) 2. The character distribution in the 'sentence-based stunts' is probably like the character distribution in English -- the etaoinshrdlu distribution. Since some characters may be more or less likely as word starters, the entropy might be even less than in English, so I don't consider it random. 3. I've considered putting some unicode characters in my 1Password master password, but I haven't checked to see that I can enter them in a password field on all the platforms I use. I would expect that unicode in a password field is represented as UTF8, so that making a single character unicode would add only one, maybe two, bytes to the password, rather than doubling the length. Making some of the characters ≥ 128 and < 256 would change the number of combinations that need to be checked from 128^n to 256^n; i.e., it would multiply it by 2^n, but this could also be done by adding a few more characters. Using UTF8 unicode would also put in high bytes.

The XKCD method is not bad. The fact that the component parts are words is not fatal. With the DICE method, you pick words at random from a dictionary of about 7000 words. Brute force cracking a five-word password requires 7000^5 tries, and then you can change the capitalization, use a variety of symbols between the words, etc. to increase the number. If someone tries to crack my 1Password vault, they don't have a hashed password, so they need to feed each password to 1Password, which uses PBKDF to slow down the process. With current hardware the time to crack my vault is over 100,000 years; I forget the exact number. When hardware improves, I'll add another word to the password.

For passwords I must remember (logon, Apple ID, dropbox) I use a program written by a friend which produces 11-character pronounceable pseudo-words. Dropbox has a shorter password so I can get to the 1Password vault it contains in the case of disaster.


On 28 Jan 2015, at 21:25, Owen Densmore wrote:

So questions:
- How many of us are now using completely random pw's generated by one of the pw managers?
- Is sentence based stunts close to "random"?
- Wouldn't unicode help here? 16 bit characters would definitely bother the crackers, right?

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