"Anyone (professional or nonprofessional) who is trying to accomplish positive 
cultural change in the real world and who would like to base their efforts on 
cultural evolutionary theory."

What is "positive"?     What if culture is nothing more than inertia and mean 
reversion that inhibits individuals from turning over every rock and looking at 
every possibility?  Is that hypothesis not "positive"?  Down-sizing and 
extinction events happen in biological evolution, will these kinds of events be 
studied?  If so, are such events not "positive" or just part of the natural 
world?  Is it negative to relate cultural phenomena like fundamentalist 
religions to economic vitality?   Or if one can think about whatever, can one 
define it for myself as "positive" and that'll do?  Is this an "activist 
society" because there are good outcomes to seek that are self-evident to the 
group, and that one ought to know, or just because experiment is essential in 
learning about cultures work and so trying stuff out will be informative?   
What experiments are off limits, e.g. is this a U.S. based organization -- hard 
to know since they hide their domain registration!

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