I'm sure there is a reasonable solution, but would require effort, an
editorial role.

​If you do start putting snippets together, I'd recommend
https://medium.com/ as the site to use. It's outlook is less bloggy and
more chatty, yet your posts can be organized under your name or a tag.

They also are clear it is about *writing* and *stories*, not tech. They
even had the nerve to *not* use Markdown, thus losing most techies. ​ :)

   -- Owen

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 6:44 AM, Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:

> Nick --
> Look at https://storify.com/
> -- rec --
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 10:03 PM, Nick Thompson <
> nickthomp...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Dear everybody,
>> On several occasions, this one included, I have gotten involved in email
>> exchanges on FRIAM and elsewhere that were so good that I wanted to save
>> them in chronological order and perhaps edit them into some kind of text
>> for the authors to present elsewhere.  Two years ago I spent an entire May
>> trying to write a macro that would do this, but it ultimately defeated me.
>> Has anybody else thought about this problem.  I think lots of good
>> thought gets spilt into email and never sees the light of day.
>> Thanks for your thoughts.
>> Nick
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