In reaction to Nick's question, I re-installed VM (, 
which I used to use.  I think you used gnus, but maybe RMAIL... I used to 
generate digests to store or forward various threads and such back when I used 
VM.  It doesn't seem to work the way I remember it, though.  I _almost_ 
reinstalled it awhile back in order to collect my own posts for programming 
MegaHAL to create geprbot.  But I got lazy and used sed instead.

All that to say, I'm ... about ... this ... close ... to going back to emacs 
for my mail client.  Luckily nobody cares enough about my time to schedule it 
for me.

On 10/28/2016 12:30 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> My favorite is that Outlook's re-encoding of :-) shows up as the letter J.    
> That kind of defeats the original purpose of text art -- that it is portable 
> across clients.  I heard the latest version of Emacs now supports Webkit 
> HTML.  For me, quoting sanity went to hell when I stopped using Emacs for my 
> mail program.   Well now Emacs does HTML, but I have been hijacked by the 
> calendar capability in Outlook.   Obviously I wouldn't want to lose the 
> ability to have other people schedule my day.  


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