Dear Jochen, 


Thanks for writing.   Frank is correct, I think, about the general tenor of 
FRIAM.  I don’t know about the diaspora, but at the meeting of the “Mother 
Church” I thought we had at least one trumper, but it turned out his allegiance 
was only per argumentum. 


I am pretty frightened.  I think if we all hunker down and if Putin and Trump 
don’t obliterate us all in a lover’s spat, we can survive the next four years 
without too much damage.  But that’s a big “if”!  What I fear most is that 
“unruly elements” will take to violence, and in the ensuing chaos, the 
democracy will fall to authoritarianism.  I also fear that nations abroad will 
not be able to see the long arc of history here and will abandon us to our 
fate, too soon.  So, I guess I am asking that those of you in the friam 
diaspora give us what moral support you can and that we all learn to resist in 
ways that are effective but will not cause the pendulum to begin swinging even 
more wildly.  


Thanks again for writing. 


Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University



From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Frank Wimberly
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2016 7:44 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Divided America


Friam was overwhelmingly pro Clinton and Santa Fe strongly pro Clinton.  She 
won in New Mexico.  I am sure I will be corrected if necessary.



Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918


On Dec 4, 2016 5:28 AM, "Jochen Fromm" < 
<> > wrote:

In Europe people are shocked about the results of the American presidential 
election. What is your opinion in NM, will the new president Trump make America 
great again or will he lead America into some form of cronyism, nepotism, 
fascism or even totalitarianism? American itself seems to be deeply divided


His supporters take him seriously but not literally, while his opponents take 
him literally bit not seriously. I guess the FRIAM group is divided too between 
those who take Trump seriously and hope he will make their situation better, 
and those who take him literally and hope he will fail. Which side is the 




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