Speaking of Investing: I suspect that more than a few folks here have significant financial assets. I'm wondering what people believe here about "socially responsible investing". About NOW seems like a good time to (re)evaluate any such strategies?

I *did* enjoy hearing Chomsky answer this question at a NAFTA talk in ABQ 15 years ago with the simple statement "Socially Responsible Investing is a contradiction in terms". There was a loud titter among the roughly 50% students and a deafening silence among the other 50% Yuppie/Academic/Retireds.

I think of our *consumer* dollars as votes, it seems like our *investment* dollars are at least as important?

On 1/24/17 7:06 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
Vladimyr writes:

"Really would parallel processing make even the least detectable difference or was 
the term thrown in to just scare the crap out of everyone..."

Local genotype search, as advocated especially by racists, supposes that fit 
solutions have already been found, and should receive only minor adjustment.   
The belief that valuable phenotypes mostly arise from valuable genotypes is a 
possible explanation why conservatives and pro-lifers are overlapping groups -- 
they both believe in conserved stable `good' things like their genotypes.   
Pro-choice folks, however, define life as living.   To these folks, exploring 
phenotype space means investing in physical growth and experience.   They have 
numbers on their side:  The size of the genome is orders of magnitude smaller 
than the number of cells in the body.   It is possible, though, that even these 
very complex machines, when forced into very similar environments, will evolve 
toward fixed points instead of many complementary degenerate solutions.  
Liberals or neoliberals think that the fitness landscape is complex and has a 
structure that cannot be anticipated.   Conservatives !
  think they know enough about the landscape, at least to the extent that they 
have found a niche that works and are not inclined to leave it.

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