TIAA has several mutual funds that may be of interest.

Look for the phrase "Social Choice" in the title of the fund.


Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918

On Jan 26, 2017 1:58 PM, "glen ☣" <> wrote:

I'd love to hear people chime in on this.  I've tried to find ways to
invest the tiny amount of my retirement contributions in places/things that
I care about.  I've failed miserably.  I finally gave up and put some money
into this:

I'm slowly losing my money.  But I figure I'm at least, in part, paying
myself (if my city takes on debt) or loaning/contributing money/fluidity to
my local cities.  If I'm misguided on that, I'd appreciate some education.
The next time I move, I plan on doing the same thing in that region.

On 01/26/2017 12:42 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> Speaking of Investing: I suspect that more than a few folks here have
significant financial assets.  I'm wondering what people believe here about
"socially responsible investing".  About NOW seems like a good time to
(re)evaluate any such strategies?
> I *did* enjoy hearing Chomsky answer this question at a NAFTA talk in ABQ
15 years ago with the simple statement "Socially Responsible Investing is a
contradiction in terms".   There was a loud titter among the roughly 50%
students and a deafening silence among the other 50%
> I think of our *consumer* dollars as votes, it seems like our
*investment* dollars are at least as important?

☣ glen

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