I fully agree adding junk to food is a foods is a issue.

I am just concerned their might be (hopefuly) better ways to bring
desperatly needed funds to NM.
 I just wonder if there's a better way to go about fixing that problem, and
try to encourage people to enjoy a healthyER life style.

I am also (I hope) reasonably skeptical basically taxing fake food and soda
is the way to go. Do we reely need yet another potentially misguided tax?

@My example heh, Point taken, I was just using a silly example of why that
might not work.

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 2:28 PM, Tom Johnson <t...@jtjohnson.com> wrote:

> The issue is refined sugars added into products, Gil.  I'm sure your
> grapes and strawberries are safe.
> T.
> ============================================
> Tom Johnson
> Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
> 505.577.6482 <(505)%20577-6482>(c)
> 505.473.9646 <(505)%20473-9646>(h)
> Society of Professional Journalists <http://www.spj.org>
> *Check out It's The People's Data
> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Its-The-Peoples-Data/1599854626919671>*
> http://www.jtjohnson.com                   t...@jtjohnson.com
> ============================================
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Gillian Densmore <gil.densm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> As someone that's currently...Financially Challenged. All this crap adds
>> up, and as you note it's to easy to interpert how you want.
>> For example: I am (famously?) a tea lover. I love all kinds of tea,
>> medically helpful, just fun etc. Why do I mention that? How likely would
>> they decide my 2-3buck honey that makes fucking awsome mid afternoon tea
>> that's refreshing suddenly jump to 4-5 dollars?
>> Well 5 bucks to me
>> Besides if they REELY want free kick ass education (Great please PLEASE
>> do) Their might be better ways to go. Grocery stores (looking at you
>> smiths) charge out the ass for healthy fun to eat food.For example ERMG
>> It's so fun and nice to have fruits(Grapes and strawberries) that in my
>> famly I'm infamously for loving. Thouse have sugers in them that are good
>> for you(no idea how that works).As you point out the wording leaves it open
>> to the Martinez's of the world to say: gee that 2buck a bag of graps is now
>> I duno 5bucks!
>> for those keeping tabs that'd be a tank of gas between the honey and
>> fruits. Ouch.
>> I'm skeptical yet another tax will help anything.
>> Nickle and diming people does very little to help anyone. And frankly
>> just makes people mad and wonder where all that's going.
>> I wholy agree Santa Fe needs a fun kick ass research school And have
>> tried to make one twice going on third go.
>> The poloticing around education in this city and state like I said to Edd
>> and You made me wonder if I was on drugs LOL  Or maybe they were.
>> Sufficed to say I doubt this'll help. Their needs to be a plan and the
>> city definatly needs to do somethings to bring in money. I'm just skeptical
>> this is the way to go.
>> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 12:30 PM, Tom Johnson <t...@jtjohnson.com> wrote:
>>> For the FRIAMers in Santa Fe who might be interested in the sugar-tax
>>> vote....
>>> There's an interesting issue coming up on a May 2nd city ballot here in
>>> Santa Fe: Whether the city can tax drinks with sugar. I may have a short
>>> letter running in The New Mexican this week, but here is the link to "Sugar
>>> Tax initiative built with a faulty scaffold"
>>> http://tiny.cc/SugarTaxOpEd
>>> TJ
>>> <http://tiny.cc/SugarTaxOpEd>
>>> ============================================
>>> Tom Johnson
>>> Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
>>> 505.577.6482 <(505)%20577-6482>(c)
>>> 505.473.9646 <(505)%20473-9646>(h)
>>> Society of Professional Journalists <http://www.spj.org>
>>> *Check out It's The People's Data
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/Its-The-Peoples-Data/1599854626919671>*
>>> http://www.jtjohnson.com                   t...@jtjohnson.com
>>> ============================================
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> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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