Merle -

I appreciate your open-ness about this... I would not have expected you to have voted for his Orangeness, but I was not surprised that you had trouble with HIllary. Absence of Evidence vs Evidence of Absence?

I'm surprised you refer to Trump's behaviour as "transparent"... he certainly is bold (crude) enough not to hide a lot of his motivations and habits and intentions, but I think his true intentions are (obviously?) either deeply confused or deliberately scrambled behind a smokescreen of mis-statements and mis-directions.

Did you ever consider voting for Jill or Gary (or ??? or !!!). I was convinced that Hillary already had NM in the bag and though I loathed the thought of the Donald getting in, I also loathed the idea of voting for the Hillary, and conveniently I found Jill/Green hugely aligned with my own principles, in spite of lack of experience in Politics and little chance of winning. Gary, being our former governer was *interesting* to me and as (also, like Trump) a loose cannon on deck, would have somewhat less momentum in his careening. He probably wouldn't be doing all he could to piss off North Korea, for example.

Just a thought.

- Steve

On 4/25/17 6:04 PM, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
When it came time to cast my vote for President, I was very worried about the absence of transparency coming out of the Clinton campaign. Hillary had obviously been guilty of many breaches of protocol during her time in the government. I didn't have the data I needed to refute the obvious absence of information. The Trump campaign on the other hand was replete with data about how successful he had been in his chosen profession. There was indeed continual transparency from the candidate himself (not releasing his tax report was a minor consideration). So of course I decided to go against what I THOUGHT I knew--that Hillary was the better choice--and decided in the absence of data confirming what I THOUGHT I knew--to vote for Trump.

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 4:51 PM, glen ☣ < <>> wrote:

    I think one of the useful arguments in this vein is the one often
    lobbed against the concept of a free market.  There is no such
    thing; and there will/can never be such a thing. So, your question
    seems to assume there is a "true" economy by comparison to the
"false" economies (or an upside right one vs an upside down one). What makes you _believe_ ... where lies your faith in true or
    upside right economies? Maybe your Utopian homunculus has broken
    free of its chains?

    This is, I think, different from the "best of all possible
    world"... It's more like a rejection of a stable landscape. There
    are no optima ... or perhaps all optima are local (in time, space,
    and sub-graph)?

    On 04/25/2017 03:22 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
    > Will we have something like a thermal inversion  where all these
    false economies turn back right side up?  Or is this the
    "curmudgeon" in me thinking it is "wrong-side up". I suppose there
    are (Panglossian?) arguments to be made: "all is for the best" in
    the "best of all possible worlds
    <>>".  I
    hear this from many of my Trumpian friends (on topics like climate
    change denial, misogyny, etc.)

    ☣ glen

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Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy <>
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Visiting Professor in Integrative Peacebuilding
Saint Paul University
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