It depends on how you define "computer".  If it's a CPU-in-a-vat, like a brain 
in a vat, then I disagree.  That kind of computer is impoverished compared to a 
human.  But if it's an android or somesuch, then I agree.

On 10/04/2017 07:47 AM, Prof David West wrote:
> A necessary presupposition — if any of these program are to come to fruition 
> — is: what a human exhibits is nothing more than what a computer CAN exhibit; 
> i.e., that a human can be nothing more than a machine.
> I am curious if any of the participants in this discussion are willing to 
> accept the presupposition? Especially if Nick, whose monist "behavior," 
> strong agreement with Pierce's three forms of logic. and equally strong 
> denial of "mind" might be so inclined?


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