Some counter examples:

1) You do not have the potential to fully informed.  The governments of China 
or Iran would never give you access to their classified data, for example.   
Heck, the US government probably wouldn't either with all your discussion of 
psychedelics and what not!

2) You cannot assert autonomy.   You are a part of a physical, economic, and 
social fabric that is largely out of your control.
Further, you are a biological system that follows the laws of physics.   What 
you are at t+1 comes from what you were at time t and you are entangled in 
everything, much of which is outside of the membrane that can be called `you'.  

3) There does not exist the technology yet to change your own DNA (in 
predictable and reliable ways) or to direct edit neural constructs, or to 
extend neural constructs with open-ended compute resources.   Even if you were 
fully informed you couldn't do anything with much of the information you would 
have access to, because it is just to complicated to understand or to use for 
predictions.    Even if this were possible, the agents with the most compute 
and the best models will win and that too will be a historical accident.

In summary, your life means nothing and neither does mine.

Have fun,


On 1/12/19, 2:28 PM, "Friam on behalf of Prof David West" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    "Responsible Action" is one that is fully informed, that takes into account 
all available input; which in the case of a gem in Indra's Net, means the 
entire universe. Only possible for those who are enlightened.
    When I state that I am an individual, I am asserting a degree of autonomy 
along with an obligation to act responsibly. To act responsibly each action 
must be conscious, deliberative, and fully informed. As a 'gem' in Indra's Net, 
I have the potential to be absolutely informed and my humanity is determined by 
the extent to which I avail myself of that potential.
    The possibility of and the means of achieving things like group structures, 
cultures, social compacts, governments, etc. from a presumption of 
individualism as depicted above it an entirely different realm to explore.
    All of the above feels at least orthogonal to, if not contradictory, of  
your graph explanation. But please explain why  and how I might be wrong.

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