Ha! Yes, I have 2 twitch logins, one for play and one for work. I find it 
fascinating how these people can both play some game well *and* read chat and 
facilitate parasocial relationships with large numbers of their fans. I briefly 
worked on using Twitch to stream tutorials for my M&S workflow (a combination 
of RStudio and byobu works pretty well through OBS). But I've found Discord is 
a better place for such things. I did stream some game play. But I can't even 
maintain relationships with my meat space friends, much less devote attention 
to Twitch people. Plus, I suck at video games.

On 4/27/20 6:29 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> Twitch is what icall  a streaming service
> it's also what I see when a friam is now all POTUS, the Covid19 Cluster, and 
> then someone sends it into the mirror universe (Hi Glen!)
> So to make copypast bingo simple
> POTUS is a jerk because POTUS Said
> OH *@*! COVID19 it's been 5 nanoseconds! 
> Now when you say (person place or thing). What is about that person place or 
> thing ness that makes it...it
> Saright? Saright!

☣ uǝlƃ

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