The COVID-19 pandemic will end, at least in the US, by mid-June, 2020.

This assertion is premised on making a distinction between the biological and 
the perceptual.

The virus is not going away, a vaccine may or may not be found and made widely 
available, and treatments that reduce severity and death rate may or may not be 
soon at hand. Hot spots will continue to flare. Model-based prognostications 
will be confirmed.  And none of this will matter.

A radical shift in perception from "we're all going to die" to "I have next to 
zero chance of severe illness or death" is reaching a tipping point and a 
catastrophic (mathematical sense of the word) change from one to the other is 

"Science" will quickly confirm (justify / rationalize) this shift  — after all, 
my individual risk is 150,000 / 300,000,000 or "pretty damned small."

Politicians will quickly cave to this new perceptual reality and socio-economic 
restrictions will collapse.

The percentage of the population that wear masks (just one example of a 
behavioral phenomenon) will roughly equal the number that fastidiously fasten 
their seat belts; but this and similar behaviors will mitigate the the 
infection/death rate.

Covid will be PERCEIVED to be no worse than the flu, the death rate will become 
"acceptable," and the current media "hysteria" will fade away.

There will be a segment of the populace — mostly the affluent elderly and 
individuals who have acquired money/influence/notoriety the past few months — 
who will argue against these changes but their objections will be quickly 
countered with, "why should I suffer all kinds of consequences — ones you do 
not share — to cater to your fears or your ego?"

None of the above should be interpreted as anything except a simple observation 
/ prediction.


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