Dave writes:

< There will be a segment of the populace — mostly the affluent elderly and 
individuals who have acquired money/influence/notoriety the past few months — 
who will argue against these changes but their objections will be quickly 
countered with, "why should I suffer all kinds of consequences — ones you do 
not share — to cater to your fears or your ego?" >

Many of these people may have nowhere to go, in terms of employment.   Those 
consequences will not be reversible just by deciding to change or ignore health 
guidelines.  Meanwhile, the cities that have some savings, some semblance of a 
social safety net, and an enduring tax base of relatively affluent individuals, 
will focus inward and become more autonomous from the federal government and 
even their state governments.   The economy will rebuild around these robust 
nuclei, and will fall further into disarray outside of them.

For example, here in the Bay Area, one can just order groceries from a local 
organic outlet and have them delivered.   No need to bother with meat packing 
factories in South Dakota.    


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