On 5/11/20 9:11 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Compared to what?   Confluence or Slack?    One problem I have with the 
> former is that web-based editing is still spongy, slow and arbitrarily 
> different from a real editor.    Slack still lacks nestable threads and 
> encourages shallow, synchronous communication.   E-mail is low latency when 
> it needs to be, but also facilitates multimedia detail.

Sure, when used correctly, email supports threading and pretty much every other 
feature one can imagine. But it depends fundamentally on the email *client* (or 
clients, as I have to use both .procmail and Thunderbird to get things working 
to my satisfaction), strongly on the user, and peripherally on the community 
standards (e.g. top- or bottom-posting). But, as is clear in this forum, email 
clients can be weak or broken, users are lazy, and "community" requires at 
least some herding.

I hate Slack. But I have to use it because so many others do. I like Discord 
better. I like IRC (and HexChat) even better. But only the dorkiest of dorks 
use IRC anymore.

I haven't used Confluence. So I can't comment. But I've used GDocs, Zoho, and 
Teams a bit. GDocs can be a bit weird, but it's better than Zoho or Teams, I 
think. For work, a combination of Slack and GDrive/GDocs works pretty well ... 
way better than email + desktop apps.

☣ uǝlƃ

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