

Are we looking at the same data?




Nick Thompson




From: Friam <> On Behalf Of Eric Charles
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2021 10:13 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Has anybody been lookiung at covid numbers


I haven't looked up Santa Fe's numbers specifically... but if it is anything 
like national numbers, the difference is that last year we were in the early 
stages of a massive uptick, and this year we are in the middle of a rapid fall 
off (with the recent cold snaps having no noticeable effect). If you look at 
the graph below, you will see an upswing starting October 18th of last year 
which peaked January 14th, and by Nov 20th it was already 950 a day above where 
 it started. In contrast, this year we are down over 950 a day from the peak on 
Sept 24th. 


A winter spike could still happen, but we are over a month out from where it 
started last year, but I don't think it is going to. If the current trend 
continues, we'll be at a negligible number of deaths per day within about 2 
months. I think that's overly optimistic, but 3-4 months is probably very 
realistic (barring a new variant), even if we allow for a modest post-holiday 


How that should play into any particular person's particular plans, I can't 
say. Even in the unrealistically-optimistic 2-month scenario, that's still 
30,000 more deaths. More than double that for the more realistic 4 month 





On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 12:37 AM < 
<> > wrote:

Good to hear from you, Jackie.  A fresh voice on the list.  Always welcome.  
Sometimes we regulars bore ourselves to death.  


We decided not to meet with the extended family in Houston, a hard decision 
that I instantly stopped regretting when I saw the new numbers.  The only 
question in my mind is whether we avoid my son’s family for a week or two when 
they return.   People keep telling me about vaccinated people they know who 
have croaked and I am definitely in the vulnerable group … age, diabetes, heart 
disease --.   There are some folks on this list who are very good at numbers 
and have vulnerabilities of their own.  I am guessing we will hear from them in 
time.  I am guessing that unless I am planning to stay in my house for the rest 
of my life, I should probably not worry about it too much.  


Thanks for your message.  Don’t be a stranger. 



Nick Thompson




From: Friam < <> > On 
Behalf Of Jacqueline Kazil
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2021 11:10 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group < 
<> >
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Has anybody been lookiung at covid numbers


Hi! Jackie here. Nick, I too can get hysterical about Covid. I left DC for 
Missouri and lived on a dead-end street in the country with my in-laws for 
almost a year sharing a bedroom with my three year old and newborn. Then my mom 
was in an intensive care situation after an accident - for 52 days. This was in 
Florida during the summer surge -- at one point covid positivity rate was > 25% 
in the county she was in.  I couldn't leave Florida, because my baby's daycare 
in DC has a covid policy that you had to quarantine if your house was exposed 
to a covid positivity rate of >10% & my moms hospital had a policy that said 
you had to quarantine if you leave the state of Florida, you had a to 
quarantine (I didn't understand this one. This was a policy for the sake of 
having a policy. All other states were better places to be). With these two 
policies in play, despite not seeing my children for more than a month and 
having to quit breastfeeding, I decided not to travel home... and sometimes 
life sucks. [As I write this, I feel like this is a simulation in the works.]  


In Florida during the time with my mom, I was pushed outside of my comfort 
zone. I was in an environment where a lot of the population feels differently 
than I do about safety. I also was walking into hospitals with covid patients 
where vaccinated nurses were dropping like flies. I gave up a little, because 
of the stress I only had so much energy to worry about covid. A friend even 
convinced me to eat in a restaurant indoors -- barely, once. 

I just looked up Santa Fe county, and it is just over 10% covid positivity 

Covid positivity rate is supposed to be a signal of knowledge spreading. I 
would say over 10% right before Thanksgiving is probably a not a good place to 
be. This means it is spreading and people know, but some don't. With families 
getting together -- the "some don't" part is not good. 


With my experience of being in various environments, I would say that if I were 
in a place with a rate of 10% or higher, I would worry enough to batten down 
the hatches for the holidays, because... sometimes life sucks. I would limit 
the number of people I interacted with. 


Also to consider in this equation -- how many people already had covid that 
already counted in the vaccine numbers. 









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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6 
 5/2017 thru present
 1/2003 thru 6/2021

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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn UTC-6
 5/2017 thru present
 1/2003 thru 6/2021

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