Am 21.03.2017 um 23:52 schrieb Ralf Hemmecke:
> ... 
> Nevertheless, I somehow tend to open a branch on top of my mathjax
> branch and create respective entries to automate the
> creation of the respective .rst file(s).

That was the goal from the beginning.

> Obviously, it might even make sense to tweak the MathJax domain at
> runtime in order to produce something that pandoc understands directly.
> For example, generate $$ ... $$ instead of \begin{fricasmath}{1} ...
> \end{fricasmath}.

Yes, whenever possible. There is no clear picture yet about the future of
pandoc's latex-reader, unless perhaps that it will gradually improve but slowly.
Recognizing 'newenvironment' would certainly make things easier.
The for LaTeX are not very helpful (little math).
> Anyway, PanDoc has a way to run filters, I just don't yet know whether
> simple awk scripts that run on the (generated) .tex file before feeding
> them to pandoc are easier to write than filters that run on the pandoc
> representation of the input.

In the end I'd tend to filters ... at the moment the focus is on collecting
facts that will allow us to get a clean method. The awk rules can be easily

> Anyway, in the end I'd like to see something that looks like
>, i.e., with TOC and a lot of inner
> anchors so that one can point potential users exactly to the position in
> the book that is relevant for their problem.

By all means. Each ug*.tex will have its counterpart as ug*.rst. This will be no
problem at all. What still might be a challenge is inclusion/converson of the
pictures and colouring (syntax highlighter etc.), not to speak of 'breaking
equations' (breqn? no way). Also, there are various mathjax options that should
be considered (right click on a formula: scaling, renderer ...).

> Ralf

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