Didn't chaos theory grow out of weather forecasters being humbled by what
their super computers were suggesting from simulations? Didn't it have to
do with what happened when the number of decimal places being used were
increased or decreased. Aren't measurements always approximations?
 Also, perhaps Jay should be more humble when he speaks with such
confidence  about empirical science. The history of science is full of
confident pronouncements about all kinds of 'matters'. Physicists were
boldly wrapping up the last few loose ends in physics as the 19th century
came to a close. A guy named Einstein sorta changed that in the first few
years of the 20th century.

  Brian McAndrews

*  Brian McAndrews, Practicum Coordinator        *
*  Faculty of Education, Queen's University      *
*  Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6                     *
*  FAX:(613) 545-6307  Phone (613) 545-6000x4937 *
*  e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            *
*     "Ethics and aesthetics are one"            *
*       Wittgenstein                             *
*                                                *
*                                                *

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