It is very tempting to just jump in and argue with Jay Hanson, but I'd
be surprised to find a single person on this mailing list who believes
that could ever be productive.  So let me propose an alternative.

I'd like to write a program to run a simulation of the world economy, 
first to see if Jay's conclusions follow from his own data, and then 
to do a sensitivity analysis to see what are the most important 

I propose to put this program up on the web in source code form as 
well as compiled binaries, so that everyone can check to see how 
plausible the model is, and can play with it a bit.

I do have some expertise in this area, having worked on a simulation 
of the Canadian air traffic control system in Ottawa a while back, but
by putting actual source code up on the web I hope to minimize the 
dependence of the model on my own personal expertise.

To do this, I will need some data, and I hope Jay will be willing to 
provide the data underlying his own conclusions.

This is just an idea at the moment, but it sounds like a worthwhile 
project, consistent with my often stated preference for algorithms 
over arguments, and I don't think it will too difficult.  What do you 


Douglas P. Wilson     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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