James Galbraith via Thomas Lunde:
> Behind the battering rams, behind the decisions to use them in this way,
> behind the creation of the situations in which they could be used in such a
> way, were political figures and policy decisions-decisions, for example, to
> tolerate unememplyemnt.  The economy is a managed beast.  It was managed in
> such a way that this was the result.  It could have been done differently.
> It was not inevitable even given the progress of technology and the growth
> of trade.  It was, in sense, done delibertately.  That is the real evil of
> the time.

the suggestion is to go back to keynesian economy, isn't it?
 But that came to an end in the 70s due to unsustainable public borrowing 
and cuts in profits/recession, didn't it? 
Now we reached the same "result" through a re-hashed
monetarist and then neo-liberal avenue.
What would be the new feature in this 
suggestion of renewed state intervention in re-distribution?
How come the word "capitalism" was not mentioned?
Non-virtual profits are falling - there is not enough to 
re-distribute.  Is the mechanism - markets/profits is working?
The global markets are limited - there is, I'm afraid, the
classic contradiction.
Do you really think it can be fixed?


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