To me the essence of this excellent Review is in the Summary paragraph
While the problem is clearly stated; the potential remedy of Direct
Democracy is unstated

Colin Stark

"Behind the battering rams, behind the decisions to use them in this way,
behind the creation of the situations in which they could be used in such a
way, were political figures and policy decisions-decisions, for example, to
tolerate unemployment.  The economy is a managed beast.  It was managed in
such a way that this was the result.  It could have been done differently.
It was not inevitable even given the progress of technology and the growth
of trade.  It was, in sense, done deliberately.  That is the real evil of
the time."

At 01:11 PM 5/30/99 +0000, you wrote:
>A lengthy book review by Thomas Lunde
>Lower taxes scream the headlines of the business press in Canada.  We are
>not competitive shout the neo-cons and their corporate masters.  These and
>similar mantras have been bombarding us with relentless waves of media
>support.  In fact whole political party platforms such as Reform have made
>this their guiding light.


>Behind the battering rams, behind the decisions to use them in this way,
>behind the creation of the situations in which they could be used in such a
>way, were political figures and policy decisions-decisions, for example, to
>tolerate unememplyemnt.  The economy is a managed beast.  It was managed in
>such a way that this was the result.  It could have been done differently.
>It was not inevitable even given the progress of technology and the growth
>of trade.  It was, in sense, done delibertately.  That is the real evil of
>the time.

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