
I usually agree with you Brian but I would like to know which of these
countries should have been left alone and what you think would have happened
if we had.    I was conscious for all but the China stuff in the forties and
even now remember most of these skirmishes.     Would you care to show where
we were wrong in being there?    Also many of these were under UN auspices.

I would remind you that there is a considerable side of Republicanism that
is isolationist and totally against foreign involvement except when
threatened at which point they simply would do what would kill the most
"enemy"  and endanger the least of our own.   That could include such things
as the same deal for Mecca as they gave Moscow with mutual destruction.
There are many here who would just as soon point a chemical or biological
bomb in the direction of the home countries of the people who would bomb
America and say simply:   "If you so much as bother one hair on the head of
my son I will waste your country for generations."    They do have something
in common with the late Syrian Dictator Hafez Assad on that account.     I
remember sitting next to Chemical, Biological and Radiological folks when I
was in the Army since we shared the same infirmary.     You wouldn't want to
know the cold clarity that they had towards "cleansing an area of its
population" with as little collateral material damage as is possible.

I enjoyed Steven Spielberg's   "Alien" series "Taken" for the past two weeks
primarily for the studies of American life that they did in tracing the
history of three American Families from the forties to the present.     The
US Military is a sleeping giant Tiger that should not be fooled with.
They are professional, cold, fanatical and believe in their righteousness.
They are the military equivalent of a Nuclear Power Plant and we work
constantly to keep them grounded and pointed in the least dangerous of the
possible directions.    Keith spoke of defections.   Yes there were in Korea
but those were not professionals but draftees.    These folks have their own
culture and they have grown it since the end of the military draft in the
late sixties.    I don't see any defections from that group.    They are
more likely to resemble the Turks of the UN Korea troops in the Korean War
than the Americans of that era.   The Turks had zero defections to the

 The Military and the amorality of science were two very realistic sides to
Spielberg's series.    The sheer sense of the game in pure science and how
at home it is with pure capitalism apart from the Romance of 19th century
Communism or Humanism.    To speak of the murder of one's lover as "being
deleted" was truly cold but frighteningly charming.    I think the world
doesn't truly understand what is going on here in this monster economy and
the dangers of the place where the greatest pure science is done by the
government, and most of all the military, because anything else would be the
socialist system and the enemy of Capitalism.    So police and bombs are OK
but schools are suspect.   This is not a place to fool around or to tease.
Those little green cars are truly out there.

So Brian, I suspect those bombs were only the least possible alternatives of
what could have been if you hadn't had people like Truman willing to fire
Douglas MacArthur and hold down the rest.    In the American Military you
are either advanced in rank or you are fired.   You get two tries for
promotion and wars are the only sure way to be advanced in your career if
you like the military and considering what Krugman was talking about with
the rest of the society under this "economist's paradise"  the military is
not so bad.    I know a teacher in Medical school who recommends that his
graduates apply to the military because HMOs are so bad and the private
sector is such a mess for Doctors.     I also know some wonderful
professional composers and singers who have put in their time as NCO's in
the Army and gotten their pension because they could do real music instead
of teaching ignorant teenagers in heat to do nothing with all of the skills
they are taught.    It is better in the military for the workers in the
Public Sector if you can put up with the tyranny and the brown lips.

So Brian,  which countries should we have left alone?    Until we had
problems here with them and then had another Civil War?    We almost had it
in the sixties.    Americans don't like destroying their homes and they
don't like change much in spite of the love of the newest widget.     Real
internal change is almost negligible.    Beneath the latest fashions beats a
wounded heart that still longs for some connection to its home and original
family.    Only a fool would stick a finger into that.    It would be easy
to stir up a murderous disdain for a life style that has multiple wives,
chops off their heads if they cheat and makes a big deal if you see their
long hair.    There just isn't too much sympathy here for such things.
Take my word for it.   We have dealt with this and know firsthand.


Cherokee Expression---
"When you were born, you cried and all the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."

----- Original Message -----
From: "mcandreb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: FW: profiling at airports....

> Hi Arthur,
> I got this bit of info off the New Internationalist web site. Perhaps
> you could create some multiple choice questions about these:
> Since the second world war
> has bombed 21 countries
> China 1945-46, 1950-53
> Korea 1950-53
> Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69
> Indonesia 1958
> Cuba 1959-61
> Congo 1964
> Peru 1965
> Laos 1964-73
> Vietnam 1961-73
> Cambodia 1969-70
> Lebanon 1983-84
> Grenada 1983
> Libya 1986
> El Salvador 1980s
> Nicaragua 1980s
> Panama 1989
> Bosnia 1985
> Sudan 1998
> Former Yugoslavia 1999
> Iraq 1991-20??
> Afghanistan 1998, 2001-02
> Take care,
> Brian

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