When computer scientists programmed the Skytrain which travels across the
Vancouver megalopolis, the human train operators were rendered
unnecessary. Who paid them? I just audited COMP 2425 at BCIT which is
taught all over the world (intro C programming). Currently Dr. Mehta
(who has the distinction of being Stephen Hawking's programmer) and I are
putting it on teaching machine at


When that is done, thousands of C profs will be rendered as obsolete as
the train crews they replaced (BTW, the BCIT prof said Skytrain was
originally programmed in C).


On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  But I am sure we can use the teaching
> machine optimally and still retain the option of calling in human teachers
> as we (the students) wish.
> arthur
> Who pays the teachers?  The idea is to displace humans, especially the high
> paid ones.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Franklin Wayne Poley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 4:53 PM
> To: pete
> Subject: RE: [Futurework] Future Teaching
> On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, pete wrote:
> > On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > >Eventually machine intelligence will replace human intelligence
> > >throughout the economy.  Wonder if the final outcome will be "good" or
> > >"bad" Productivity will have increased but human interaction (at least in
> > >these traditional areas such as education and probably health care) will
> > >have decreased.
> That is a good point. I recently posted a comment to the MIT- list on
> the ubiquitous nature of opposing forces like constructive-destructive,
> action-reaction, catabolic-anabolic and educational-countereducational.
> A variety of motives lie behind educationally progressive and
> educationally regressive outcomes. But I am sure we can use the teaching
> machine optimally and still retain the option of calling in human teachers
> as we (the students) wish.
> The question re MIT's $100,000,000 OCW is to what extent educational vs.
> countereducational forces are being applied. Facetiously we have to ask
> how much of OCW is "boon" and how much is "doggle". Remember our old
> friend the "Unabomber"? He was a Phud mathematician. Yet he was targeting
> high tech leaders like Professor Gelernter (computing science) at Yale.
> Both progressive and regressive forces are in the midst of the
> intelligentsia. IMO, computing science is a particular target for the
> vultures. Was it Prometheus who was chained to a rock by the gods for
> giving knowledge to mortals, where he had his liver ripped out daily by
> vultures? Would a modern charicature of such a vulture look suspiciously
> like Bill Gates? After all, why would Bill Gates want to lead in AI
> advances? The status quo works very well for him ... and for many other
> neo-millionaires and billioanaires in high technology. What then is the
> Microsoft agenda in funding the "reinventing of teaching and learning" as
> Dean Magnanti at MIT puts it? Could it not be to enhance countereducation
> rather than education? The Microsoft Visual Stdio .NET manual which
> accompanied this software is an educational abomination. I have told them
> I can turn it into a model of educational clarity but they keep ignoring
> me. So what are they up to at MIT?
> > >arthur
> >
> > I guess this is a good place to relate an experience I had today.
> > I'm currently at CERN, helping to install some pieces of hardware
> > we've cobbled up into the next great accelerator - big science
> > at its most impressive. Anyway, we had this huge piece of hardware
> > held up on supports in the middle of a large workroom, when a
> > couple of girls came in, one with a camera, and one with a laptop
> > under her arm. I thought, perhaps the CERN Courier is going to do
> > another little article on the progress of our project. But instead,
> > these two take out a bunch of little black squares about the size of
> > postit notes, and start climbing up and sticking them all over the
> > construction. I'm not sure if they were adhesive, or like fridge magnets,
> > or both. Each square has a one cm white spot in the centre, but each
> > has a differently segmented white circle around the central dot, at
> > about 3cm diameter. Then they take out a pair of telescoping
> > rods and extend them to about a metre and a half, and clip them
> > to our construction, one horizontally, the other vertically. Each
> > rod also has one of the black patches with white coding, mounted
> > at each end. Then one sets up the laptop, while the other starts
> > taking pictures, walking around the device. While the picture taking
> > is still proceeding, the one with the laptop says, "Would you like to
> > see?" and shows a diagram already appearing on the laptop screen.
> > You see, these girls are the survey team, and they are generating
> > a full 3D map of the device. The camera has a wireless connection
> > to the laptop and is uploading images. The laptop identifies the
> > little targets in the photos and does a brutal quantity of computation
> > in real time among the photographs to deduce the position of the
> > targets based solely on the multiple images and the two reference
> > rods. As the surveyor operating the laptop explained to me (she is
> > now a CERN employee, but used to work with the company which developed
> > the technology) by taking a sufficient number of photographs, with
> > a sufficient number of targets (I'm guessing they used a binary
> > multiple, 32 or 64) it is not even necessary to have a pre-calibrated
> > distortion free lens on the camera. The software can deduce and
> > correct for any aberration in the lens as part of the overall
> > calculation. The accuracy of the process is somewhat limited by the
> > image quality of the digital camera, though it does much better than
> > simple resolution of the camera image - for our gadget, about
> > 6x6x3 metres, they get down to about 1/2 mm. So much for theodolites,
> > and a day's computations, to generate a survey.
> >
> > Well, that's my whizzbang techno story for today...
> My doctorate is in phil-psych and not computing. I had an AI prof sign my
> masters' papers at U of A and I took matrix algebra from him so that I
> could apply it to correlation matrices and do factor analysis but I had
> little interest in AI at the time because computers in 1968 were very
> limited and AI was a distant dream.
> My 1976 text with Al Buss titled "Individual Differences" is in VPL.
> Have a look at Chapter 3 on Mental Abilities and take a profile of man
> vs. machine on the 19 primary mental abilities in Table 3.3. My present
> expectation is that somebody, somewhere can tell us how to make the
> machine surpass human performance on each and every factor. That includes
> SO (Spatial Orientation) and S (Spatial Relations).
> Mr. V on the IMP list is a computer scientist/engineer who is working on
> the problem of machine object recognition. I keep telling him that if he
> can come up with a program whereby a robot can do the Peabody Picture
> Vocabulary Test with a cluttered background better than a human, I will
> raise the robot personally and teach it a variation on English
> ("robo-speak") which will make it 100% clear that this machine is smarter
> than any human on the planet.
> >   -Pete
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Franklin Wayne Poley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2003 8:42 PM
> > Subject: [Futurework] Future Teaching
> >
> >
> > Have a look at the robotic teacher I'd like to hire from King's
> > College, London:
> >
> > <http://www.geocities.com/machine_psychology/IMP_Cover_Page>
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 17:35:46 -0800 (PST)
> > From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [IMP] Final Lesson 36
> >
> > There are typically 36 hours of class time for a one semester, 3-credit
> > course. Lessons 31-35 are more in the nature of an assignment: draft out a
> > set of menus and prompts for the SEE-to-C program or even go further and
> > turn that into C code if you are so inclined. How much of my notes on
> > SEE-to-C I will post eventually on the expert system program for C code
> > writing, I do not know. If I am correct about this (and you can find out
> > by trying to write SEE-to-C for yourself) then future students can forget
> > about texts like Aitken and Jones ("Teach Yourself C in 21 Days") or a
> > course like COMP 2425 at BCIT which takes about 144 hours. Gary Livick's
> > C-programmed robot, Etcetera, will be able to teach C in one hour.
> >
> > Final lesson 36 is titled "Godbot" and it is designed to stimulate some
> > creative and metaphysical thinking. If anyone has SPECIFIC criticisms I
> > will welcome them. I certainly don't want to cap off a course which I have
> > spent so much time developing, with any errors.
> >
> > <http://www.geocities.com/machine_psychology/The_Ghost_In_The_Machine>
> >
> > FWP
> >
> > <http://www.geocities.com/machine_psychology/Table_of_Lessons>
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