Harry missed the point and talks about a different era.
Did Dubya invade Iraq because of the Iran-Iraq war or what?
Nope, because of WMD that were alleged to threaten the US.
And these were supplied by the US, not by France.

For starters, have a look at "Iraqgate"...
Also check out


Harry Pollard wrote:
> Chris,
> Here I am again with my incredible patience. You said:
> "Who had installed and armed (incl. with WMD) Saddam in the first
> place  .  .  "
> The 2,400 tanks and 400 planes with which Saddam invaded Iran
> were Soviet. The so-called "weapons of mass destruction" were
> supplied by the US Centers for Disease Control, which routinely
> answered requests for biological material from all over the world
> - including Iraq.
> After 8 years, Saddam was re-equipped for the final move into an
> exhausted Iran.
> By whom? By Russia of course, though no doubt France's 30 latest
> model Mirage planes armed with exojets killed a lot of Iranians.
> Interestingly enough, Iran used American F14's and F15's to fight
> Saddam's Russian planes - and they did very well. A ship - or
> maybe two - got through the Iraqi blockade and delivered parts
> for the American planes. I assume they originated somewhere
> American but of that I'm uncertain. The Kuwaiti venture was no
> doubt carried out with those Russian tanks and planes that Iraq
> used to finish off Iran.
> That wasn't too difficult was it?
> Harry

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