
The issue under discussion was US backing Iraq during the Iran
war. I suggested they patted him on the shoulder and said go to
it. But the Soviets supplied him with tank divisions and
squadrons of planes.

The Soviets made the war possible.

The biological stuff came from the CDC which sends stuff all over
the world. I haven't heard that Saddam used biologicals, but he
may have played around.

The chemical factories came "from the west" which meant that a
number of companies from various countries were involved,
including the US, and perhaps France - who knows. .

Maybe Saddam was getting pieces of the jigsaw together for
assembly. We know he used the chemicals.

All through the 90's everyone was sure that Saddam had those
chemicals - that's everyone, including the inspectors.

We now have the army officer who definitively states that
chemical weapons were in the hands of the army. But there was no
thought of using them because they were pressed up against
Baghdad and the city's people would be in danger.

In London during the Bush visit, someone blurted out some words
that indicated that MI5 had agents in touch with the higher
officers of Saddam's army - persuading them not to fight.
However, we'll probably hear little more about this. MI5 are
pretty close-mouthed.

Unless the officer gives evidence at the Hutton Inquiry, which
could be interesting, for he said they could have put chemicals
into action in 30 minutes, not 45. 

There were several reasons postulated for the invasion. WMD was
obviously the sexiest and it got a lot of play. That's politics

It was a good thing to get rid of Saddam. Now comes the hard
part. If a peaceful nation can be welded together from the
disparate fragments, or even perhaps the formation of a
confederation of fragments - maybe things will begin to change in
the Middle East.

Most of Iraq is peaceful now. Learning how to deal with the
guerrillas is a big job now for they are killing many Iraqis and
Americans. How this is done could well be the blueprint for
similar actions in the future.


Henry George School of Social Science
of Los Angeles
Box 655  Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: 818 352-4141  --  Fax: 818 353-2242
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 4:34 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Are they going mad?

Harry missed the point and talks about a different era.
Did Dubya invade Iraq because of the Iran-Iraq war or what?
Nope, because of WMD that were alleged to threaten the US.
And these were supplied by the US, not by France.

For starters, have a look at "Iraqgate"...
Also check out


Harry Pollard wrote:
> Chris,
> Here I am again with my incredible patience. You said:
> "Who had installed and armed (incl. with WMD) Saddam in the
> place  .  .  "
> The 2,400 tanks and 400 planes with which Saddam invaded Iran
> were Soviet. The so-called "weapons of mass destruction" were
> supplied by the US Centers for Disease Control, which routinely
> answered requests for biological material from all over the
> - including Iraq.
> After 8 years, Saddam was re-equipped for the final move into
> exhausted Iran.
> By whom? By Russia of course, though no doubt France's 30
> model Mirage planes armed with exojets killed a lot of
> Interestingly enough, Iran used American F14's and F15's to
> Saddam's Russian planes - and they did very well. A ship - or
> maybe two - got through the Iraqi blockade and delivered parts
> for the American planes. I assume they originated somewhere
> American but of that I'm uncertain. The Kuwaiti venture was no
> doubt carried out with those Russian tanks and planes that Iraq
> used to finish off Iran.
> That wasn't too difficult was it?
> Harry

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