Harry, I must admit that the specificity of what you say for example
"leave them alone" as in Leave as to go away,  pronoun them (whomever) alone, solitary, singular etc.   is an interesting choice.    But of course you were being idiomatic as so much of English is otherwise why would fanny mean a woman's vagina in England and her backside in America?    Why would public schools be private in England and private schools be public?    I don't know what all this means to a Brit from California.    But the process of not intruding is still, as I said, the same process as the radical environmentalists use in the forest and it doesn't work.   Eventually the forest decays, changes and its neither better nor worse but just is, however for we humans it is often considerably worse.    Radical environmentalism is not prefirable to good forestry and I question whether the same process, no matter what you call it, works anywhere.  
Otherwise you are definitely better if you are eaten when you get older by predators, it strengthens your children and living indoors does nothing for your muscles, stamina, etc. and watching TV instead of creating your own art is just lousy for the human mind and its development.   But I have a very Laissez-faire attitude about such things as old age, houses and aleatory TV game shows and Pavarotti's little capital investment in three tenors although I don't frequent them.  
I do not have a Laissez-faire attitude towards the marketplace nor do I have such an attitude towards the forest.   I believe that it should be negotiated wisely in a Democratic fashion with as egalitarian values as we have the ability to create.    I believe in Democracy, gardens, forestry and the cultivation of wild intelligence for food and relationships.   I believe in art, law, the Great Mystery and in the need of every human being to work towards their own enlightenment free from meddling.   That does not mean that being a "free rider" is necessarily good for anyone, and besides it isn't an even playing field, for I also believe that there are game like qualities to life and that the rules should be balanced for everyone through the governing principle.    Elected by the people.   I don't believe in progress, I believe in change.   I believe in foolishness and the need to guard against it as well even though fools have just as much a right to vote as anyone else. 
I don't believe in politicians who have conflicts of interest controlling the voting booths either.
So God allowed light to become in the Hebrew creation.   That is the way it is with creativity.   The biggest allow is the permission one gives one's mind to go beyond your second assumption and grow.   But you were probably talking business.   I think it is wrong to mix up business with creativity.   Also, I take insult at your putting this into the catagory of wanting something for nothing or wanting a Great White Father to take care of me.   That was the way the English raped my people.   It is the N word to me and your using it is beneath your argument.  
By the way, where is the second lecture on Georgism?    You did the first the other day and I asked for number two.   We might call it:  "After rent what then?"    Synergy demands more than just a few fragments.
Formally, laissez-faire is "to let (allow)" "- "to do (make)".
          Lawry,         'Let them/us do as they/we wish.'
Essentially, 'leave them alone' - 'let them be'.
Dictionary common usage suggests:
"The doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs."
"With minimally restricted freedom in commerce"
Your spin on it seems to imply something political, but then why not. Chris uses free trade (the absence of interference) to describe both national and international interference.
More important is the prevailing intellectual view that people are unable to do things for themselves, they need a Hobbesian Nanny to take care of them and make their decisions. Obviously the intellectual doesn't feel he needs a Nanny (usually his self-esteem approaches arrogance). No, he is thinking of the little people, the ordinary people, the great unwashed, those plebes who simply cannot be left to make their own decisions.
And you know what? - After a couple of generations, those low IQ, semi-moronic people aren't able to make their own choices. This, of course, proves that the intellectual was right all the time.
However, these people "seek to satisfy with the least exertion" - as do we all. So, they quickly find how to get the most for the least from these intellectual constructs, a situation that makes the intellectual mad, for the proles are not following the rules.
But, that's the way it goes.
Henry George School of Social Science
of Los Angeles
Box 655  Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: 818 352-4141  --  Fax: 818 353-2242

From: Lawrence DeBivort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 5:37 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Future of our Species

Greetings, Harry,
I tend to say what I mean, so I will stick with my phrasing..
The 'we' I refer to are the members of our species. The objective of managing our own evolution is to create desirable futures.
'Laissez-faire' does not mean 'leave them alone'; it means 'Let them/us do as they/we wish.'
-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Pollard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, December 11, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Future of our Species

I'm not sure what you mean by:
"Thank you Ray. As a species, we face a key decision: do we buy into the laissez-faire approach to futuring ourselves, or do we engage coherently in the process of managing our evolution?"
Maybe you should have said:
"Thank you Ray. As a species, we face a key decision: do we engage coherently in the laissez-faire approach to futuring ourselves, or do we buy into the process of managing our evolution?" 
Whatever you wish.  Laissez-faire means essentially 'leave them alone' - 'let them be'. It assumes that people should be free to make their own decisions and go their own way. It used to have "Laissez-aller" attached to it.
However, you bring 'us' into it. Who are the 'we' who will manage 'our' evolution? We will assume they will 'engage coherently' in spite of much evidence to the contrary, but what would be the objective of our 'managing our evolution'?

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