Harry Pollard wrote:
> You said:
> " It would be a big interference to abolish any and all
> regulations  .  .  "
> You mean that in our 75,000 pages of the Federal Register you
> cannot imagine abolishing one regulation?

Another strawman.  FT is not just about abolishing _one_ regulation
in 75,000 pages, or is it ?   Rather, it is about abolishing as many
as possible, because any regulation is a "trade barrier"...


> Brad,
> Your little funny about "the freedom to buy and sell
> ground-to-air personal anti-aircraft missiles" is so silly.
> Remember " Do as you wish, but harm no-one".

You mean, harm not even the inhabitants of some Alpine valleys by
polluting their air with emissions of 40-ton trucks in order to
carry useless consumerism stuff from Germany to Italy and back,
just because it's a bit cheaper to process them there ?

If you're serious about "Do as you wish, but harm no-one", then
you must forget most of Free Trade.


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